In Lines 425-430, Teiresias and Oedipus have a heated conversation and lead to certain accusations and statements. The quote that came out to me was as follows: “Oedipus: Do you imagine you can always talk like this and love to laugh at it hereafter? Teiresias: Yes, if the truth has anything of strength. Oedipus: It has, but not for you; it has no strength for you because you are blind in mind and ears as well as in your eyes.” I have chosen these lines of text, especially the last statement Oedipus says because it is very much a true statement for anyone who is close minded. The truth has power but does nothing for someone who refuses to listen to it, and this line can also serve as a reminder for everyone to always have an open mind. Close-minded people often do not want their ideas challenged and in this day and age has led to a lot of discrimination and judgment that shouldn’t happen to begin with.
Daily Archives: March 4, 2023
As the drama begins, the citizens of Thebes plead with their king Oedipus to lift the plague that threatens to destroy the city. He has sent his brother-in-law Creon to oracle that the plague will end when the murderer of Laius (the former king) is killed or banished. So the king set out to find the killer, who ironically was the killer but he didn’t know it. who is the man proclaimed by Delphi’s prophetic rock as the bloody handed murderer, the doer of deeds that none dare name? Now is the time for him to run with a stronger foot than Pegasus38 for the child of Zeus leaps in arms upon him with fire and the lightning bolt, and terribly close on his heels are the Fates that never miss.(line545-550) The chorus warns that the murderer will be pursued by the gods. If he does not stop what he is doing, he will be punished I do not know what to say; I am in a flutter of foreboding; (line570) The choir represents the citizens, who have doubts about the revered king
The chorus just sang a prayer to the gods Zues Apollo Athena Artemis describing the horrors they are going through during the plague. They beg for forgive from the gods saying that no one is surviving not even woman and children the Chorus go on to say that the woman can not produce babies because of this plague that is bringing disease and killing everyone. The theme of the plague by the chorus is to make it be known that it is only death and more death that is going on. “Death so many Death” 203-204 the chorus is using the plague and all the dying to try to gather pity and sympathy from the gods they want the gods to spare them. The Chorus wanted to be cured of the plague but was very afraid of what they would have to do in return for having the gods help them. “First I call on you, Athene, deathless daughter of Zeus and Artemis earth upholder” “Our sorrows defy number all the ships timber rotten there are no children and no woman giving birth You may see them one with another, like birds swift on the wing quicker than fire speeding away to the coast of western god”. The chorus describing the plague to the gods.
When I was younger and teachers would give Greek Mythology to read, I really enjoyed it. I always enjoyed reading things people went by, or believed in, in the past-like Greek Mythology. I was pleased to read “Oedipus the King”. I will admit it was a slow start but as I continued reading, it picked up and I found myself intrigued in the play. Lines 993-1008 state: “May destiny ever find me pious in word and deed prescribed by the laws that live on high: laws begotten in the clear air of heaven, whose only father is Olympus; no mortal nature brought them to birth, no forgetfulness shall lull them to sleep; for God is great in them and grows not old…But I pray that the God may never abolish the eager ambition that profits the state. For I shall never cease to hold the God as our protector.” I have chosen this passage because in my opinion it demonstrates how powerful is their feeling and belief in their god. They recognize him as their protector and will have the utmost respect for him regardless of anything to come. They put him first and see to him as their creator, and believe that he lives in them timelessly. This passage stood out to me because it portrayed how strong their belief was and how regardless of what was happening, or what was to happen, they still had faith and hope- which was inspiring.
“a War God ringed with the cries of men, a savage God who burns us; grant that he turn in racing course backwards out of our country’s bounds to the great palace of Amphitrite19 or where the waves of the Thracian sea 215 deny the stranger safe anchorage. Whatsoever escapes the night at last the light of day revisits; so smite the War God, Father Zeus, beneath your thunderbolt, 220 for you are the Lord of the lightning, the lightning that carries fire.” Lines 215-220 I chose this passage because the chorus is showing and explaining to me about a God and its emotions. It is basically saying that Lightning is the traditional symbol of sudden enlightenment and the destruction of ignorance, and the fire basically represents God’s presence when Moses met God in the burning bush and later when God appeared in a pillar of fire and led the people into the wilderness.
“Once you have brought us luck with happy omen; be no less now in fortune. If you will rule this land, as now you rule it, better to rule it full of men than empty. For neither tower nor ship is anything when empty, and none live in it together.” (Chorus, Lines 60-65) Due to the depth of its language and the significance it bore within the greater context of the play, this specific passage stuck out to me. In essence, the chorus is saying that ruling a prosperous, populated area is preferable to ruling one that is uninhabited. They commend Oedipus for his success in guiding Thebes so far and encourage him to carry on bringing wealth and riches to the city. They also express gratitude to Oedipus for his leadership. The imagery of the abandoned ship and tower serves to highlight the importance of coexisting with one another and cooperating for the benefit of society as a whole, in addition to emphasizing the importance of community and the necessity for members of a society to come together in order for a society to function.