The short story” Araby’ by James Joyce is about a young boy who lives in Dublin, Ireland that is experiencing life and has developed a liking for his friend’s sister and he vows to get her a present at Bazaar. Some phrases to define this character in the story include amusing and readily swayed, as well as optimistic as he arrives at Bazaar seeing as a young kid your naivety can definitely give us different views on things. but he discovers that it is not what he imagined. Learning to realise that things don’t always turn out as anticipated fact that he had idealized a major amount of what would happen makes him unhappy and dissatisfied because of how he saw it and what he had in mind. He could essentially demonstrate how young children perceive the world as something vast and available for them to enjoy and explore with their innocence.
2 thoughts on “Naajia Depusoir Discussion 5”
I can see how you really feel and understand about this story. I actually didn’t even look it at the way you did. I agree on how you stated “ He could essentially demonstrate how young children perceive the world as something vast and available for them to enjoy and explore with their innocence”. Young people usually can see their future and very determined to get what they want at all times. I also like how you mention that, everything you may think could happen, could go the very opposite without even have control of it.
As i am reading this i agreed the whole way through and can defiantly connect on what your mindset towards this is. When you mentioned “but he discovers that it is not what he imagined. Learning to realize that things don’t always turn out as anticipated.” is exactly my point of view on this. That he was a naive imaginative boy who got let down when he arrives at the bazaar. I was also admirable on your comment in the end about he demonstrates children perception on the world and exploring with their innocence. Great post!