Kiara GonzalezDiscussion Board 4

The two characters that had different reactions to FAO Shwartz would be the narrator and Mercedes. The narrator demonstrated the reality for poor kids growing up with his survival mindset. For example, the narrator lists all of the different uses for thirty-five dollars, and they are all related to providing for the home. For instance, he acknowledges that “thirty-five dollars could buy new bunk beds…pay for the rent and the piano bill too” (Bambara 6). It is common for children that are poor to miss out on experiences that other children would have and instead learn responsibility and how to survive on “making ends meet”. This prevents the narrator from seeing the fun and entertainment behind toys and instead he uses his logic based on wants and needs. Mercedes on the other hand shows her connection to childhood by having hope that she would get her toys with her birthday money. This reveals her desire and hope to be like other kids regardless of money and economic status which highlights her connection to being a child.

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