“The Most Handsome Drowned Man” was assigned as the first story of the course because the professor wanted us to see how a person has the power to change another persons life, even during unexpected moments. In the book, Esteban, the drowned man, symbolizes a stupendous experience for the villagers. It was a normal day in the village until they saw Esteban, the drowned man, near the beach. The women decided to take care of him, however the men in the village didn’t agree because of the way he looked, him being a giant made them think wrong about him. Later on they came to realization that he was sincere and that he was more than just a piece of cold Wednesday meat. And at the end of the story we see how the passing of Esteban didn’t stop the villagers from changing their life and lifestyle. The vibrant painting on their front doors, having wider doors, strong floors, the planting of flowers on cliffs and etc was their way of paying respect or thanking him for changing them.