Samra Tariq Discussion 2

I think the reason that the professor assigned “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, as the first story  in the course to make us realize that there are two types of people, we should not judge a book by its cover, and it applies to judging people as well, the first type of people can be compared to the little boys that helped the drowned men and took him out of the sea and laid him on the floor, trying to help him in every way.while on the other side in the story the women started comparing the drowned men to the men of there village and started passing comment that if the drowned men were to live the same village as them the doors of the house would be really wide, the women started judging the drowned man without knowing the struggles or the difficulties that he went through.That is why I think the professor assigned this as. the first reading to make us aware that there are two different ways to look at a situation.

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