I think the reason that the professor assigned “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, as the first story in the course to make us realize that there are two types of people, we should not judge a book by its cover, and it applies to judging people as well, the first type of people can be compared to the little boys that helped the drowned men and took him out of the sea and laid him on the floor, trying to help him in every way.while on the other side in the story the women started comparing the drowned men to the men of there village and started passing comment that if the drowned men were to live the same village as them the doors of the house would be really wide, the women started judging the drowned man without knowing the struggles or the difficulties that he went through.That is why I think the professor assigned this as. the first reading to make us aware that there are two different ways to look at a situation.
Daily Archives: February 3, 2023
In my opinion I think the professor has assigned this as the first story of the course for a few reasons. I think the first reason could be the story is really interesting and it caught our attention and especially me. The title of it made me wonder what is the story about and this made me get excited and start reading to keep reading to try to understand what it is about. Another reason could be because the story is well written and we will get to read it and annotate it for good Thesis and statements and many more related to our understanding of essays. Lastly I also believe this could help us understand how to write essays well. This could be a good example for great essays to learn from. In concussion I believe the professor chose this for us for a great benefit and I’m so excited to find out the main reason behind it.
“The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a story about community and acceptance. When the drowned man was discovered the village helped to try to uncover the roots of this man. Where he belonged and who was he? It wasn’t until later the women of the village started to peel back the layers and discover the flaws and beauty of this man. This lead to assumptions of who he was and where he came from. As the kept cleaning him they saw beauty and strength followed by sorrow and embarrassment. They started to pity him and put themselves into his shoes. Marquez states, “They only had to take the handkerchief of his face to see that he was ashamed, that it was not his fault that he was so big or so heavy or so handsome…” (6). As the men of the village came back they were perplexed as to why the women chose to show this man who they don’t know so much affection. Only to see for themselves the sorrow on the drowned mans face. This made them want to provide this man with the most beautiful funeral ever. Although, they fought over who can carry the drowned man to his resting place. They ultimately came together and honored the drowned man memory by making changes to their land to the strength of their houses. The assignment of “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” as the first story in the course I believe was to give the students a space where we can relate, not judge ourselves, and make room for a more creative mindset to flow. To make a shift in reality and honor what inspires us.
“The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a story about transformation and the power of beauty. The arrival of the drowned man leads to a profound change in the remote village on the seaside cape. The villagers’ perception of themselves and their own lives is altered as they become enamored with the beauty of the drowned man. Assigning this story as the first one in the course could be a way to set the tone and introduce the students to the themes that will be explored throughout the course. The themes of transformation and the power of beauty can be relevant to many aspects of life and can serve as a foundation for discussing a range of topics. Moreover, the story’s powerful imagery and vivid descriptions can also be a great way to engage students and pique their interest in the course. Its simple, yet captivating style can also be a great starting point for students to explore the magical realism genre. In conclusion, the assignment of “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” as the first story in the course can be seen as a way to introduce the students to the themes of transformation and the power of beauty and to engage them with the course material.
I believe you assigned the reading “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” because it is an interesting and, in a way realistic, understandable and relatable story that is great to start off with because it gave a great first impression to the class and what the future readings may look like or seem like. It gave a realistic, but still keeping that ominous and magical tone to it, of bringing in a stranger and showing us readers how people can be quick to make assumptions about one another, good or bad and how that can affect others as a whole. As the first reading to a new class it seems that there could be a relation as to how we as students can make our own assumptions and opinions off on any little aspect. I also believe it was a great story, author and genre introduction to get a familiarization with wording, grammar and the plot in general.
I believe you shared “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” as the first story of the course because you wanted to show us the need to be compassionate and welcoming to strangers. The women in this story were kind enough to be welcoming and make clothes for a complete stranger, even when they were confronted with one. The men run around for him, trying to determine who he is. It made me think of the many new immigrants nowadays, many of whom come from war-torn countries. They are “strangers” to us, maybe they are poor and don’t have money to buy a dress that fits. We need to be as kind as the woman in the story to help them and welcome them. At the end of the story, they make the door of the house bigger and the ceiling higher, maybe they want the stranger to make the village a new home.
I think the reason we were given “The handsome drowned man in the world as a first story was to remind us to accept each other. To accept people who they are and allow them to be who they are. People are naturally bias towards others without realizing it. We judge people based on what we feel like is normal or correct without realizing the correct way is based on the persons acceptations. The women in the village thought that if the man lived in the village his house would have had the widest doors, the highest ceilings and the strongest bed floors (3). The women even started comparing their own men to him without knowing where or who he was (3). Once the women realized the struggle, he must have gone through their feelings changed. Hey can see him in life condemned to going through the door sideways, cracking his head on the crossbeams, remaining on his feet during visits, not knowing what to do with his, sea lion hands while the lady of the house looked for her most resistant chair and begged him (4). This part of the story shows how much people can get caught in an illusion when it comes to something we want that we don’t see it for what it really is.