My most successful assignment was the poetry assignment because I actually enjoyed the poem I chose for my flyer. I could have done better on the Oedipus assignment. This isn’t my strong suit because I just didn’t understand it.
In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World, the precision of the language used transforms ordinary story elements and makes powerful symbols like greatness and possibility. For example “Not only was he the tallest, Strongest, most virile, and best-built man they had ever seen, but even though they were looking at him there was no room for him in their imagination.” The simple words used “tallest”, “Strongest,” and “virile” create a vivid and overwhelming image of the drowned man. This straightforwardly highlights the drowned man’s physical presence, making him literally and figuratively larger than life. These common adjectives are used very precisely transforming the man from a mere corpse into a symbol of greatness and possibility, through these simple yet effective words, Marquez conveys how the villagers’ world is limited but expands as they project their dreams and desires onto this drowned man, showing the potential hidden within the ordinary things in life.
My thesis as of right now is, Fairy tales are frequently criticized for their violence and gender stereotypes, they essentially help children because they build toughness, while teaching moral and ethical guidelines, and inspire their creative minds. As of right now I chose this as my thesis because in “The Positive Impacts of Fairy Tales for Children” by Leilani VisikoKnox-Johnson is one article from List A that grabs my interest. I was drawn to this article because it discusses the positive behavioral and growth impacts fairy tales have on kids. Visiko Knox-Johnson specifically addresses how fairy tales teach within kids the need of kindness and determination, two qualities that are essential components of emotional intelligence. According to the essay, youngsters can learn how to deal with challenges in real life by studying the symbolic struggles that fairy tale characters encounter. While in List B, Maria Tatar’s article “Why Fairy Tales Matter” is my favorite from List B. Tatar provides an in-depth investigation of the reasons behind the ongoing cultural significance of fairy tales in her study. The claim made by Tatar that fairy tales give kids a safe and meaningful way to deal with challenging emotions like betrayal, sadness, and fear really caught my attention. Since they enable kids to comprehend and manage complicated emotions, she believes that these emotional experiences even the most severe ones are essential to kids emotional growth.
After reading Toni Cade Bambara’s short story ” The Lesson”, I would center my essay on positive human emotions and traits, such as joy, happiness and kindness. I would title it “Kill Them with Kindness”. In the story, Miss Moore takes the children on a field trip, stopping at an upscale toy store. This experience plants a “seed” of awareness in the children’s minds, sparking both joy and happiness. Miss Moore’s kindness stands out as a key element in the story, but it’s also a source of discomfort for the kids, particularly Sylvia and Sugar, because it represents something unfamiliar to them. Miss Moore’s approach, though well-intentioned, challenges their worldview, making them uneasy about the unfamiliar kindness and lessons she imparts. Ultimately, her actions provoke complex emotions, but they also expose the children to the new experiences and understanding, which Miss Moore’s true lesson-using kindness to help them grow and see the world differently.
After reading through the short story “The Lesson”, the title would be “Through the Lense of Childhood Challenges”. Bambara made a very good point about the fact childhood life exists with challenges as well as challenges that come with it. Stories can tell us something about what had happened at the time of setting within the writing, and something big for it to represent the situation. I think for this short story, her childhood represented a big impact. That big impact I learned from the short story is through the struggle of education. We see this girl in a coming of age story viewing her background with much anticipation of the world. We don’t even know how Sylvia is educated. But we understood by Sylvia’s personality that she might have been well observative and analytical to her surroundings. But regardless if Sylvia is well educated, there can be other potential problems she has experienced through the story like her neighborhood and society. I imagine Ms. Moore would be the testimony behind Bambara’s past life if she were to be a real life person.
My understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity. 10, is a multi-layered guide to writing a good essay. Based on the prewriting information for essay 1 given, the first step is to read “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Next we should read “Overview of ‘The Most Handsome Drowned Man”’ by Dean Rader. After reading the following readings, we have to review the supporting guides in week 1, which consist of activities 5-8. The supporting guides will help us understand how to write a thesis statement, insert quotations, format illustrations, and a MLA citation guide. Once we are done reviewing the following, we are directed to an sample essay and a layout of the sample essay to help guide us through starting the actual essay. The essay will include the title, introduction, body, conclusion, a work sited page which follows the MLA format, and an academic integrity pledge. Once these steps are understood, I can start forming an essay. The purpose of the prewriting assignment, is to help organize and format my ideas in a way that it efficiently conveys them to the reader, and supports my thesis statement.
This is a process in which there are many steps. It’s purpose is to help me in writing an essay with the correct structure. Through this prewriting process I be able to gather my thoughts and ideas based on the topic, review again and again and make changes, even adding new ideas and thoughts. During the pre writing process I can focus my thoughts as writing the thesis statement is a very important part of each essay. I have to read “The Handsome Drowned Man by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and also Overview of “The Most Handsome Drowned Man by Dean Rader, these are 2 articles from activity 1 and 3. I will gain understanding by watching the Format Matters video to learn the correct way to format illustrations and studying the MLA format guide.
My understanding of the pre writing assignment is to organize ideas and brainstorm the topic that is being written about. Pre-writing is planning before drafting the assignment. Also finding a topic and gathering information is apart of pre writing. Pre writing is a step in the writing process to help discover ideas about a subject. The process of pre wriitng is first brainstorming an intresting topic. Next is gathering evidence about the topic of the discussion. Lastly is organizing the details of the topic that is being written about.