My understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity 10 is to read and do the multi-layered process with Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s and ‘The Handsomest Drowned Man’ and Dean Rader’s scholarly article, we have examples of a primary source and a secondary source, respectively. I would achieve this assignment by reading the story that was given as well as the summary of the story. I reviewed the supporting guides Professor Conway gave us in Week 1 and used the PowerPoints on Thesis Statements and “How to Insert Quotations into a Literary Essay”. After that, watching videos on format Illustration/format matters, learned MLA citation guides, and read the instructions for the student sample essay as well as being absorbed in the student essay sample. The prewriting aims to help us write our essay for this assignment in the future so we don’t have our thoughts written everywhere. These observations will also helps us ensure that our own essay follows the proper formatting requirements.
Tyseania Milan
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