The most successful assignment for me was essay #2. Although I found this essay to be somewhat challenging I still managed to understand the assignment because it was easy to explain how some websites don’t provide accurate information and if you don’t actually read the article your essay will now make no sense. Furthermore, using Chat GPT can lead you in the wrong direction when it comes to writing an essay about a short story because most of the times the AI is telling you to use these big words that wont make your essay better but it can make you seem like you’re talking “gibberish” because the essay doesn’t explain/cite anything correctly from the short story. Nevertheless, even though I am still not 100% good at it but this class taught me how to cite a text correctly in my essays. As well as knowing how to correctly flow when I’m attempting to cite so it doesn’t sound boring, eg: “The short story mentions …” However, I feel like I could’ve done better on essay #4, I didn’t take my time with that essay and I didn’t even realize that the paper was under the expected pages. Consequently, for the next paper I will intentionally utilize the outline to do my essay correctly and I will take my time instead of rushing to get something done on it’s due date. I genuinely enjoyed the transparency from Professor Conway the entire semester because it gave me the opportunity to challenge myself and get better with writing.
In the poem The Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks she writes about her trauma with abortions in a very precise way, her style of writing definitely can give the reader that chill along their spine as mentioned by Carver. “I have heard in the voices of the wind the voices of my dim killed children. I have contracted. I have eased” (Brooks). As a woman who has experienced this trauma as well her words hit home. I’ve always wondered about the what if”s, if when I was younger and decided to go through with my pregnancy what would my life be like now. Also knowing that I’ve made the right decision because at that young age I wouldn’t have been able to provide for my child the way I can today. Nevertheless, precise language just gives off that “right to the point” kind of feel, as the reader we don’t have to try to figure out what the writer is saying when it’s written down in its rawest form. Furthermore, it also makes me have a “wow” moment when reading the short story or poem because it feels like it cuts deep and I am able to visualize what the writer is saying.
After reading the articles my thesis would be depending on how gruesome the fairy tale is I will determine if I will read the tale to a child. Especially from my perspective being a mother I would never want to read my child a book about sex or children being slaughtered. “Fairy tales give conscious expression to complex unconscious, infantile fantasies about sexual wishes, anger, guilt and fear of punishment within the family” (Isaacs). Nevertheless, some of the Grimm brothers’stories have life lessons within them which I feel like they can be good for children depending on their age. For instance, the Snow White story by the Grimm brothers basically explained a scenario of “The boy who cried wolf” because she never learned a lesson until it was too late even after the dwarfs told her not open the door anymore. I have to do a more thorough research on the articles in list B, being transparent none of the options in List B caught my attention and some of the websites they popped up on didnt give me access to the full article. Works Cited: “Sex and Violence in Fairy Tales” editorial by David Isaacs, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Reading the essay by Flannery O’ Conor before reading the actual story definitely helps widen your perspective of what the writer is trying to indirectly get us to understand when it comes to religion. If I’m being 100% transparent just like Flannery mentioned I would’ve definitely read it as a regular family of 6 who took a trip with their annoying grandmother to Florida that ended up getting murdered my a convict named the Misfit. Nevertheless, when you go back to the essay and compare it to the imagery within the story I can actually visualize what I’m reading as far as the grandmother not being ready for death even though she is sort of kind of preparing herself for it because she is becoming of age. I’ve managed to notice based on how she still tries to keep herself dressed to remain refined and superior, she continuously kept trying to manipulate her family to do what she wanted to do and not do things that they really wanted to do which drove them right to their death. Subsequently, when she goes more into detail and explains the significance of using violence in a story and the weight it carries to make you see a deeper meaning rather than just seeing it as violence helps dissect the main point of the story. “Violence is a force which can be used for good or evil, and among other things taken by it is the Kingdom of Heaven” (Flannery).
My ability to read poetry I would say is probably a 6/10, and I say this because some poems are easier to read than others. For instance, the poem “The Mother” by Gwedolyn Brooks, within the first line you immediately know what the speaker is writing about, “Abortions will not let you forget” (Brooks). Right away the speaker is disclosing her emotions and remembrance of the terminations she had and how she wont be able to have those nurturing experiences with the children she could’ve had. Then there’s the poem, “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by W.B Yeats, and you have to use your sense of imagery to understand what the speaker is writing about in the poem and how he is describing his safe place by metaphorically speaking about his 5 senses. “I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;” (Yates). In these two lines he is using his sense of hearing through the poem so we can understand how peaceful it is at his safe place, its so peaceful there that you’re able to hear the movement of the water. Consequently, that’s why I say some poems are easier to read than others because some are more direct and there’s others that you actually try to imagine what the speaker is writing about in order to fully understand. As far as the play, I missed Tuesday’s class so I’m playing a little bit of catch up. Nevertheless I feel as though the play falls under the same category as one of those pieces of writing that you have to sort of know about the ancient Greek history to understand the play. When we were placed into groups and we discussed the chorus of the […]
Doing Essay #1 I definitely will make sure I check and adjust my essay thoroughly before submission moving forward as well as making sure I read both sources to a tea. Unfortunately, after critiquing the student sample essay when I went to adjust my essay to double spacing I didnt realize that my laptop changed my font from the standard font and my paragraphs werent indented anymore, so while Im speaking on the student essay my essay was also grammatically incorrect. Nevertheless, I was so mad at myself because I felt like making sure the first sentence of your paragraphs are always indented is something you learn in elementary school. I definitely remember my teacher teaching us how indent with our index finger. The Professors feedback made me realize I have to take my time and proof read to make sure everything is to the standard MLA form. I wanted to be transparent with you guys because I took it pretty hard and was mad at myself for making a mistake like that, however I took the accountability and I will give it my all to not do that again.
Reading “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara if I wrote an essay on it I would title my essay, “The Realism of The Lesson : Growing up in Harlem”. I felt a connection to the reading because I am from Harlem . When it came to Sylvia’s slang, the nick names for her friends around her block, even down to the relationship with Miss Moore I was able to relate to her character based on how I grew up. Nevertheless, I would use quotes from the source to further explain how the reading represented a reality by portraying the everyday life of a group of kids growing up in Harlem. In Conclusion, I would compare the deeper “Lesson” of the reading from the trip with Miss Moore to the community I grew up in and give examples of my “Miss Moore” back in the day. Growing up in the projects we had several community activities to keep us out of trouble and instead of “Miss Moore” being a family friend, our community leader was my cousin Sandra and outside of taking us on excursions out of the “Hood” we had to go to church every Sunday. Subsequently, my essay will break down the realism of the reading in comparison to my upbringing.
The purpose of the pre writing assignment is to set the expectations of the Professor throughout the semester when submitting essay assignments. Nevertheless, in each activity there were several templates that briefly described what to do vs what not to do. In addition, to videos and a sample essay that showed a thorough format of how to write the correct essay. Furthermore, it described the introductions to correctly citing authors when using supporting quotes from the short story or poem to support the argument within the thesis statement as well as when to use the quotation marks for the supporting statement. Additionally, correctly citing the author(s) on a separate cite page. Consequently, how to correctly write out a thesis statement which should be a “statement” and not an “announcement”. The pre writing assignment was very informative and it gave all students the information that’ll support them through the entirety of the semester.