The assignment I felt most successful on way essay 3 I felt like it was pretty straight forward and the fact that we got to choose our own poem and write on how we connected with the poem was very appealing to me. In most of my classes assignments are just handed out by teachers choice I felt like I could actually write about something meaningful and that I was passionate about. the work I feel like I could have done better one was essay 1 I felt like I didn’t really understand the essay to a depth and with I could have a better understanding till now but it just made me focus on reading things that I don’t normally touch on which if I went back and read the assignment and the stories I would have a better understanding. one thing I learned in this semester is to not be afraid to take on a task normally I put it off till last minute because I don’t understand it but if I sit there and put my mind to something I know I can accomplish anything.
Ronald Peralta
In the last 2 week my ability to read poems has improved significantly When starting to read poems i would let the word play and symbols go over my head without understanding the meaning of each word but now i pay close attention to the small details and word play in certain lines. This experience can help me with reading oedipus the king by getting to understand theme like fate and self discovery, for example like sylvia plaths poem Mirror they both have to deal with self awareness and confrontation.
My experience with essay one was that found the structure of the essay very well but once I started reading the essay I found myself struggling to connect the ideas of what the student was trying to portray because his ideas were kind of all over the place wasn’t very clear so for me it was a little challenging. My Approach to fix this in upcoming assignments is to take notes from the previous one and break down the text a little better and not try and rush through my writing process because sometimes I have many things to say but mix them all together so just making sure I get a better understanding of the whole passage and look deeper for quotes.
There are many topics I would write about in an essay that is about less socio-economic issues and more about interesting/ important details in a story, for example I would write about the symbols and imagery of the story. The toy store is a key factor a symbolism in the story which represents how they are out of reach for the children because they come from a not so well environment. Imagery is shown when Bambara speak’s about the children reactions to things in the story like using examples ‘Wide eyes’, when there confused or excited for many things, Imagery was shows as character development as the children grow and see many different things in there life. A Title Is the most important factor of an essay a book or a story, this is what catches the attention of potential readers, the title I would give this story is Shaping Sylvia’s Journey, I would dive deep into how she views many of the things Bambara says and the way she mentally speaks on the other kids.
My understanding of the pre writing assignment is that we have to read ” The most handsome drowned man” and ” Overview of the most handsome drowned man” and after we are done with these two text we go through the guidelines on how to make a well written essay following the format using quotation, making a strong thesis statement, after going over these reviews we read over the student sample essay to give us a brief and inside on what we as students should provide in our essays to come. The main purpose of these reviews is so that we will be able to come out as better writers in our future and make sure we maintain a high gpa because writing is not only used in English but in all of our courses weather its a short written paragraph or a long 10 page essay it keeps us retracing our tracks to make sure everything is written the way it should be.