I wanted to come back to this Discussion after seeing the importance of participating and reading my classmates comments. The overload of school work and job balance i mainly didn’t understand if we had to write about OUR EXPERIENCE essay or STUDENT SAMPLE for this week.However, i did wanted to write about student sample. So here it goes. When i read “Beauty” as part of the title i was okay,maybe student is talking about the beauty of the men that the villagers mainly the woman were admiring.I wanted to keep going with the title. As i kept reading i was getting supper confused and noting made sense.At the same time,I felt very glad about my self because maybe I didn’t do as well on my essay, I do have a hug gap of continues improvement but i knew not even half way that this student used some source of AI.The huge abuse on these technologies is concerning into a certain point. I will dedicate more time in my ENGLISH work and will start participating actively in our discussion boards and will start enjoying this class with this community that we are building. I loved Jacob’s answer to discussion board on week 5.
I acknowledge that we have a lot of time to do our essays however, these topics are really hard for me to wright about. Sometimes I don’t know where even to start.I like reading but sometimes these types of literatures i find very hard to understand and to write about. Towards the end i clearly understood and found a topic to write about for the essay 1 . I feel i need a more practice on my writing skills so i can keep improving. As one of my classmates wrote, practice makes perfect.When it comes in citations i find it very hard to move back and forth with two story’s . After my essay one is revised i will sit down and see where i need to improve.I will also, keep reading all the material that the professor provides. I need a lot of more practice and more reading and time management in this course.
To my understanding we need to read “The most handsome drowned man” by the author Gabriel Garcia Marquez . Moving forward, will have to click on the link that led us on the guidelines on how to make a well written essay using the correct guidelines for quotation, providing a strong thesis statement. During English 101 i notice that i had a lack of writing structure and needed more improvement in writing an MLA paper, therefore, I look forward to writing and improving. Reading the students samples will help me have a better understanding on what is being ask to develop in our work.This will help us create a good piece of writing in this course and in every piece of writing in our daily lives.The main purpose of prewriting is to help us create and organize ideas before starting our draft. It will us by helps clarifying our thought and ideas, it can also help us explore different aspects of the topic.