My understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 activity. 10 is that it showed me how to write a good literary essay. I was able to see the process of making that essay. I had to watch a video that taught me about the formation in essays, as well as an illustration of that formation. I also was able to see the MLA citation guide which showed examples of the citations for books, journals etc. There was two PowerPoints that taught us everything we need to know as well as gave examples about both thesis statements and inserting quotes. I also read the stories and saw a student sample essay as well as the directions to that essay. Lastly, the purpose of this pre writing activity is for all of us to have the knowledge of what to do and not to do, in order to successfully submit the literary essay.
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My understanding of the prewriting assignment’s purpose is to help make our essays stronger. One way that is done is by reviewing a sample student’s essay on “The Most Handsome Drowned Man”. Doing this allows us to see what past students did on the assignment, which can paint a clearer outline of what is being looked for versus what is not, while showcasing others’ perspectives on the subject we’ll be writing about. Another way it would help make our essays stronger would be a refresher, or introduction, on the correct usage of different aspects of the essay such as formatting, whether it be paragraph structure or the usage of quotations (shown in their video and PowerPoint, respectively), and how to properly write a thesis and its purpose in the essay (shown in its own PowerPoint). Lastly, the overview helps develop a further understanding of the novel, while also strengthening our use of sample student’s essays by adding more information to work with.
From my understanding, this prewriting assignment is the foundation and brainstorming part of the essay which is a multiple layered process that will outline the finished work. This is to help students prepare and organize their thoughts for the first literary essay. By using the sources provided in the activities of Week 1, you will learn how to outline a literary essay, step by step, as well as how to add quotes from primary and secondary sources, how to use MLA style, etc. The purpose of understanding these can help you organize your thoughts for all upcoming essays. For this very essay, we are to use “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the primary source, and “Overview of ‘The Most Handsome Drowned Man’” by Dean Rader which is the secondary source to come up with our very own thesis to write an essay about. Although there is no writing as of now, we are expected to follow the steps in Part 1 of writing Essay 1 for better understanding of the essay structure before we actually begin to write.
My understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity 10 is to read and do the multi-layered process with Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s and ‘The Handsomest Drowned Man’ and Dean Rader’s scholarly article, we have examples of a primary source and a secondary source, respectively. I would achieve this assignment by reading the story that was given as well as the summary of the story. I reviewed the supporting guides Professor Conway gave us in Week 1 and used the PowerPoints on Thesis Statements and “How to Insert Quotations into a Literary Essay”. After that, watching videos on format Illustration/format matters, learned MLA citation guides, and read the instructions for the student sample essay as well as being absorbed in the student essay sample. The prewriting aims to help us write our essay for this assignment in the future so we don’t have our thoughts written everywhere. These observations will also helps us ensure that our own essay follows the proper formatting requirements.
The purpose of the prewriting assignment is to help us organize their thoughts and ideas before writing up a draft, it serves the same purpose of an essay outline. It is a way to encourage brainstorming and planning to clarify the direction and structure of the writing assignment. In this case it would be used to identify key points, gather information to smoothly approach the topic in the best way possible. Our focus is on primary and secondary sources and how we identify them to my understanding. By reading “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the overview on the passage by Dean Rader, we would fully evaluate the passage from our own perspectives. Using our resources provided to us on how to create a thesis statement, inserting quotes into a literary essay, format and MLA citation to avoid any mistakes and make the writing process easier.
The prewriting assignment is mainly for us to use the provided tools properly to improve the quality and organization of our essays. Starting with Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s and ‘The Handsomest Drowned Man’ and Dean Rader’s scholarly article, we have examples of a primary source and a secondary source, respectively. These readings will serve as foundational support for our thesis statement in the essay. However, when presenting our thesis statement, we need to be mindful of the key principles for structuring it correctly and avoiding common mistakes. As presented in the first PowerPoint, a thesis statement is a single sentence that clearly articulates the main idea of your essay. It should neither be a question, a simple fact, nor a simple announcement of the topic. Additionally, there is another PowerPoint that explains how to effectively use quotations to support your arguments in the essay. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s not only about inserting quotes without relevance or coherence. The quotes should align with the overall topic of your essay. Finally, we have a student sample as supplementary material to help us identify whether the prewriting assignment guidelines were followed. By referring to the format video and illustration, we can easily identify mistakes in the sample, such as incorrect font usage, no indentation at the beginning of paragraphs, and extra spaces between paragraphs. These observations will help us ensure that our own essay follows the proper formatting requirements. I definitely believe that the prewriting assignment is really important. Analyzing, reviewing, and following the prewriting assignment is crucial for meeting the requirements and consistently achieving our goals for this course.
The prewriting assignment in week 1 is to prepare us to the format of writing in this class. We are getting familiar with the process of writing properly according to the correct format rules, how to organize our thoughts better and therefore having a better expression of the thesis. This prewriting assignment has several steps. The first, is to read “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. We also read “Overview of ‘The Most Handsome Drowned Man’” by Dean Rader. After the readings there were a few activities that included: reading about primary and secondary sources, presentation on thesis statements, presentation on how to insert quotes. We also had guides about proper use of MLA format. There were a video about why format matters, format illustration, and MLA citation guides. We were also asked to review student sample directions and student sample essay. In my opinion, the purpose of the prewriting assignment is to prepare us better for the upcoming course expectation regarding to the writing format. It gives us the basics from them we can learn and start the process of writing.
My understanding of the prewriting assignment for Week 1 is that it’s an activity to get us familiar with the Sample Student Essay, as well as the criteria that was set for it. For the activity, we were tasked with reading “The Most Handsome Drowned Man”: the short story that the Sample Student Essay was based on. After that, we also read an overview of the story. As for step three, we were linked a multitude of guides to look at. Such guides included a PowerPoint on thesis statements, a PowerPoint on inserting quotations, an illustration and video on formatting, and lastly an MLA citation guide. Once we finished looking at each of those guides, we moved onto reading the directions given for the Sample Student Essay. Finally, we were tasked with reading the Sample Student Essay itself. I believe the purpose of the prewriting assignment is to get us familiarized with the expectations that were set for the Sample Student Essay. In order to fairly and accurately evaluate the essay, it was necessary to read the source material itself, as well as learn how a student could meet said expectations.
For this week our Pre-writing step is the method or process that is done before we start to write our papers . In this pre-writing assignment for essay one there are multiple steps. step one would be for us to read “The Handsomest Drowned Man” which was written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. After completing the reading then I should also look on the overview/ literary critique of this book, followed by reviewing the supporting guides such as the PowerPoint on thesis statements and the second PowerPoint on how to insert quotations into a literary essay. we were also tasked with watching a video about format illustration and we should review the citation guide. The last two steps, had advised us to read the directions for the sample student essay, and then to read the sample student essay. After I’ve completed all these steps It will help me to write a thorough, detailed paper that will meet the grading criteria and it will bring ease to the process of me actually writing the paper, which is what pre-writing is about. It will provide aid to becoming more knowledgeable about the topic/ subject of our essay. Thereafter, this knowledge will equip me to write a successful essay.
The prewriting assignment in Week 1, Activity 10, is designed to help you begin preparing for your first essay. After completing various activities that involve reading Gabriel García Márquez’s “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World,” exploring related scholarly articles, understanding primary and secondary sources, and learning how to formulate thesis statements and use MLA citations, you are now asked to engage in prewriting. This step involves reviewing the provided directions and analyzing sample essays and directions to understand how to structure your own work. The purpose of this prewriting assignment is to help you organize your thoughts and ideas before drafting your essay. It encourages you to critically engage with the text, the scholarly articles, and the essay-writing techniques you’ve learned, ensuring that your eventual essay is well-informed and thoughtfully constructed. This process serves as a foundation, guiding you in developing a clear thesis and effectively integrating evidence from both primary and secondary sources.
What is your understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity. 10? What do you have to do? What is the purpose of the prewriting assignment? The purpose of a prewriting assignment is to generate ideas to make a strong essay. Prewriting helps brainstorm ideas to be prepared to write an essay. It helps us focus and plan for finding a purpose and an audience for the essay. Reading “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez , breaking down the story is important because it helps us understand the story . Prewriting the story plans how the story is going to take place and the importance of how the story is portrayed. Prewriting the essay summarizes and helps narrow the focus of the topic to be more specific. Breaking down the story helps the writer capture the environment of the story. The author wrote this story to persuade the reader to use their imagination.
What is your understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity. 10? What do you have to do? What is the purpose of the prewriting assignment? In my understanding, the pre-writing assignment is to help give us more structure and clarity on how to properly construct future essays and other assignments whilst integrating the MLA format. In week 1, we started off by reading “The Handsomest Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez as well as an article by scholar Dean Rader which distinguished the difference of primary and secondary source. We were then provided with several inks, some of which fully demonstrate how to use the MLA format and others were sample essays. I believe that these essays are somewhat based on how we are to write our upcoming assignments. I believe that with the proper pre-writing and understanding of the required format, our essays will be well written and up to Ms. Conwell’s standard.
A prewriting assignment is a task that helps you plan and organize your ideas before you start writing a full essay or paper. It’s like making a map before a trip. This process involves brainstorming ideas, outlining, and gathering information. The goal is to figure out what you want to say and how to say it effectively. For instance, you might jot down your main idea and arrange them in a logical order. This preparation makes the actual writing easier and more focused. By spending time on prewriting, you ensure that your final piece is clear and well-organized. Essentially, prewriting helps you think through your topic and plan your approach, so when you start writing, you have a clear direction and structure. Making sure that all the essay is written in an organized structure and is making sense.
The objective of the prewriting assignment is to help us gain a comprehensive understanding of writing an essay, and how it should be formatted and executed. This week we start off by reading “The Handsomest Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Additionally, we also read secondary sources such as the overview of “The Handsomest Drowned Man” by Dean Rader, and past essays based on the story. In doing so we gained a stronger understanding of what primary and secondary sources are, and how our work should be articulated. PowerPoints also helped aid us by clarifying important components in a structured essay, such as explaining what a strong thesis is and providing key examples of good and bad illustrations. As well as how to successfully insert quotes. We also view a short video on the importance of formatting. Furthermore, we are also able to view a sample essay with highlighted notes on format, font, paragraph structure, and MLA citations. The examples and sources covered in this pre-writing assessment are a very helpful tool. One that I will utilize constantly as it provides a structured guideline to follow when writing and covers all the bases in a successful essay.
The purpose or pre writing is for just reflecting, its like a free write. I brainstorm a draft , get feedback from the professor. I proceed by taking feedback and editing my paper to make better improvement until I feel confident in this final or draft. Another point of pre writing a draft is so your professor sees and take notes on your progress being made of your thoughts and much more. ( grammer, punctuation etc The point of pre writing is to brainstorm. To me this means I don’t follow no sequence I just write everything down that comes to mind. Then, I will organize my thoughts and put my main parts together. This helps me out a lot because sometimes I struggle to write a thesis and putting pieces together helps me create one. This gives me room to move around and create new ideas while pre writing. Something else that’s beneficial out of this is that it saves so much time.
This is a process in which there are many steps. It’s purpose is to help me in writing an essay with the correct structure. Through this prewriting process I be able to gather my thoughts and ideas based on the topic, review again and again and make changes, even adding new ideas and thoughts. During the pre writing process I can focus my thoughts as writing the thesis statement is a very important part of each essay. I have to read “The Handsome Drowned Man by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and also Overview of “The Most Handsome Drowned Man by Dean Rader, these are 2 articles from activity 1 and 3. I will gain understanding by watching the Format Matters video to learn the correct way to format illustrations and studying the MLA format guide.
The purpose of prewriting is to help me understand how to write an essay. This will help me in planning the ideas that I want to write for my future essays. When writing pre-writing, it will help me improve my writing skills by first having a structure of the ideas that I will want to write about in the essay, then going through it again to add more things or change some things to make my writing better. This will also help me know how to write thesis statements and organize my thoughts. In the pre-writing, I can write down questions for my topic and then add answers for it to help me write down some ideas for my essay. I have to read two articles from activity 1 and 3 called “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and “Overview of ‘The Most Handsome Drowned Man’” by Dean Rader. Also I have to read sample student essays from activity 10 to give me some idea on how to write the essay. Using the MLA Citation guide in my essay will help me know how to properly cite my sources.
What is your understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity. 10? What do you have to do? What is the purpose of the prewriting assignment? I think the purpose of prewriting is to prepare for better assignments and discussions later on. By reading an article several times and fully understanding it, we can create a strong main idea. The links provided give us a lot of information about the story, helping us understand it better. There are also simple guides on how to set up the structure of an article using MLA format and how to correctly add quotes. Finally, there is an example of a student’s essay to show us how everything should look. These things are very important for writing a good essay.
The prewriting assignment for Week 1 Activity 10 is a crucial step in the process of understanding and analyzing a sample literary essay to gain insights into evaluating a student’s literary work. This prewriting assignment is designed to facilitate and multi-layered approach to evaluating the sample literary essay. To accomplish this, it is essential to follow specific steps, including, reading the assigned liter, including theory works, reviewing comprehensive guides on crafting thesis grating quotations statements, int and proper citation usage, and carefully examining the sample essay. The intention behind following these steps is to gain a deep understanding of the structure, content, and analytical techniques employed in the sample essay. This comprehensive approach aims to equip us with the necessary tools to effectively prepare for writing our essay. The prewriting process serves literary uses as a foundational tool to enhance our comprehension of literary analysis, providing essential guidance for constructing our essay based on the sample and guidelines provided.
What is your understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity. 10? What do you have to do? What is the purpose of the prewriting assignment? Prewriting is the preparation process that you complete before you actually write your paper, essay or summary. Prewriting helps you organize your thoughts, plan your research or writing, and clarify your thesis. This week, we had to read “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and “Overview of ‘The Most Handsome Drowned Man’” by Dean Rader. After which, we had to review the supporting guides in Week 1. The PowerPoints on Thesis Statements and “How to Insert Quotations into a Literary Essay”, were reviewed. Also, Format Illustration/Format Matters Video and MLA Citation guide were reviewed as well. Reading the Directions for Sample Student Essay and reading the Sample Student Essay were also done. The purpose of this prewriting assignment was to brainstorming ideas that allows us to connect with main points and highlights areas that need additional analysis or supporting evidence.
The prewriting assignment is designed to illustrate how the course will operate, particularly in terms of the essay submissions and the reading-intensive nature of the material. To help the students understand the course the activities provide detailed instructions. For example, in activity 7, multiple slides offer examples of what to do and what to avoid when writing a thesis statement. Ensuring students grasp the fundamentals of writing a strong essay. By putting mind to this, students can build a solid foundation when they write their essays. Following this, the video and essay examples provide an in-depth explanation of how the essays should be structured and the correct format to be submitted. Additionally, the Introduction materials highlight the proper way to cite an author’s text to support arguments within an essay. Finally, by combining these resources the pre-writing assignment sets the seal on students to be well-prepared to meet the course’s writing and reading demands by equipping them with the skills to succeed in future assignments.
The purpose of the pre writing assignment is to set the expectations of the Professor throughout the semester when submitting essay assignments. Nevertheless, in each activity there were several templates that briefly described what to do vs what not to do. In addition, to videos and a sample essay that showed a thorough format of how to write the correct essay. Furthermore, it described the introductions to correctly citing authors when using supporting quotes from the short story or poem to support the argument within the thesis statement as well as when to use the quotation marks for the supporting statement. Additionally, correctly citing the author(s) on a separate cite page. Consequently, how to correctly write out a thesis statement which should be a “statement” and not an “announcement”. The pre writing assignment was very informative and it gave all students the information that’ll support them through the entirety of the semester.
The purpose of the prewriting assignment is to set clear expectations for future assignments and discussions. By providing detailed instructions, students understand what to expect in upcoming tasks. We begin by reading a short story, which indicates that this course will be reading-intensive. Additionally, a secondary link offers further information about the story and its author, allowing us to deepen our understanding. The assignment also includes guidance on developing a strong thesis, correctly inserting quotes, and understanding proper structure through a brief video and an accessible MLA guide. The thesis-building PowerPoint outlines a thesis and its purpose and provides examples to help students distinguish between a strong and weak thesis. The “Inserting Quotes” PowerPoint gives clear instructions on incorporating quotes effectively in essays, and setting clear standards. Lastly, the video on the importance of structure emphasizes that having good content is not enough; the ability to follow instructions is crucial. We are also provided with essay directions that act as a guide and an example of a student paper utilizing the directions from the previous document.
According to my understanding, based on the prewriting assignment provided in week one discussion this method is used to organize and gather your ideas and thoughts in short details on a specific topic. It helps with brainstorming your thoughts , reflections, and choice of topic. In order to pre write it is best to ensure that you understand and choose a topic you are familiar with before you start writing , and arrange your ideas and thoughts into organized sections when beginning to write and being able to stay on topic and express what is in your mind are all important steps into the prewriting process. This method can help you in gathering your points, free write about the specific topic that can lead the assignment’s overall main idea, and most importantly in remaining concentrated and organized on the topic in a way where this technique can help you be able to start an outline and giving you guidance based on the topic you will be discussing .
My understanding of the pre writing assignment is to organize ideas and brainstorm the topic that is being written about. Pre-writing is planning before drafting the assignment. Also finding a topic and gathering information is apart of pre writing. Pre writing is a step in the writing process to help discover ideas about a subject. The process of pre wriitng is first brainstorming an intresting topic. Next is gathering evidence about the topic of the discussion. Lastly is organizing the details of the topic that is being written about.
Welcome to ENG 201. I look forward to an interesting and enjoyable semester, reading timeless works of literature and sharing thoughts and ideas. This is a short week, which runs from Wednesday, August 28 through Sunday, September 1. Please click on “Short Week Wed. – Sun.” on the sidebar menu to get started. Complete the activities by Sunday evening.