The assignment i feel was most successful has to be essay #3, I feel like I enjoy doing those types of assignments (flyers, posters). I had the option to do my own research and pick a poem of my choice. I enjoyed the freedom while learning and being able to be creative with some instruction. I feel like i could done better on essay #4, after reading your feedback and going over the directions I noticed that I didn’t have an ‘’yes’’ or ‘’no’’ opinion for my essay. I feel like I can do it much differently now and get a much higher grade. I must say I learned more about myself in this class. I learned how to cite work, I learned a lot more that my English 101 professor didn’t teach or request for us to do. I learned more on how I work better following outlines and directions even though sometimes, I have to admit I struggled at times.
2 thoughts on “Monica Canela Week 15 Discussion”
Monica, what you describe here as the things you learned are so important. If you have learned to be careful about following directions and outlines, you have learned a lot! this is something you can take to all your classes.
I think Essay 3 is important too. You mention the freedom you experienced even while learning new things, and that too is important, and I am so glad you got to feel creative. I think Essay 2 was a terrible assignment that was not creative and that I will never give to another class.
Good afternoon, Monica, we share the same assignment that we feel most successful with and similar reasoning. That assignment definitely let us all steer away from the usual essay we write, and we were able to add pictures and colors and make it way more personal and creative. I also agree 100% on the last part, I also work way better with an outline especially if it’s a essay or big project. I have a big project due soon in another class with no outline, just questions and I’m struggling already so I know what you mean. You did amazing and have a great day!