Monica Canela Week 15 Discussion

The assignment i feel was most successful has to be essay #3, I feel like I enjoy doing those types of assignments (flyers, posters). I had the option to do my own research and pick a poem of my choice. I enjoyed the freedom while learning and being able to be creative with some instruction. I feel like i could done better on essay #4, after reading your feedback and going over the directions I noticed that I didn’t have an ‘’yes’’ or ‘’no’’ opinion for my essay. I feel like I can do it much differently now and get a much higher grade. I must say I learned more about myself in this class. I learned how to cite work, I learned a lot more that my English 101 professor didn’t teach or request for us to do. I learned more on how I work better following outlines and directions even though sometimes, I have to admit I struggled at times.

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