In the poem The Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks she writes about her trauma with abortions in a very precise way, her style of writing definitely can give the reader that chill along their spine as mentioned by Carver. “I have heard in the voices of the wind the voices of my dim killed children. I have contracted. I have eased” (Brooks). As a woman who has experienced this trauma as well her words hit home. I’ve always wondered about the what if”s, if when I was younger and decided to go through with my pregnancy what would my life be like now. Also knowing that I’ve made the right decision because at that young age I wouldn’t have been able to provide for my child the way I can today. Nevertheless, precise language just gives off that “right to the point” kind of feel, as the reader we don’t have to try to figure out what the writer is saying when it’s written down in its rawest form. Furthermore, it also makes me have a “wow” moment when reading the short story or poem because it feels like it cuts deep and I am able to visualize what the writer is saying.
One thought on “Discussion Board Week #13 by Tondalia Simmons”
Tondi, I’m struck by your comment about the “wow” moment that the use of precise language that is “right to the point” can evoke in a reader. Also, I think it’s true, as you write, that sometimes language in “its rawest form” can really strike to the heart.