Fairy tales are good for children as they are a great source of examples of strength, perseverance and triumph. These timeless tales, can teach children problem-solving skills, build emotional resilience and encourage a love for reading. ,”The Positive Impacts of fairy Tales for children” states, Fairy tales not only aid in child development, but they also offer a rich source of material to draw from in a therapeutic manner” ( Johnson-Visikoknox 1 ). Another quote is taken from the article “Rediscovering the Power of Fairy Tales ” where it tells us that “I watched as each child took the tales and used them to foster her or his particular growth” ( Howard 2 ). The ideas that caught my mind are the ones that stated when these stories are read to children it can help them to understand and process some of their own emotions that might be a part of the storyline. Also how it can be used as a tool throughout childhood and even as adults. For example, Cinderella was bullied by her step-mother and step sisters; I have used this story to help my granddaughter to find ways like Cinderella to be kind to others and also to persevere and always believe in herself. As an adult I also use this lesson to help me be kind to others even in negative situations.