Week 7 Discussion Board- Tran Vo

Lately, I’ve been getting more comfortable with poetry, even though it’s not something I usually familiar with. At first, trying to dissect each line and uncover the deeper meanings felt pretty daunting. But with some practice, I’ve learned to take my time and really enjoy the layers in the poems. Going over them multiple times, like we did in class, has really helped me grasp the content better. I think these skills will be super useful when diving into Oedipus the King. One poem that really sticks with me is Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken. The way he uses the paths as a metaphor for choices and their consequences reminds me a lot of how Oedipus’s choices lead him to his tragic end. Realizing how Frost creates deeper meaning from something as straightforward as a road has made me notice how even small details in Oedipus—like the crossroads—hold significant symbolic meaning. All in all, the readings has boosted my confidence in tackling the complex themes in Oedipus the King and looking for the hidden messages beneath the surface.

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