In my opinion, writing Essay 1 was a little challenging. I was surprised because I usually do well with essays and writing overall. I’m used to creating my own outlines and brainstorming independently, but this time I followed your outline and your instructions for each paragraph. I enjoyed the challenge overall. I started by drafting and putting pieces together until I felt somewhat confident, even though I know this isn’t my best work. The hardest part for me was having my sources already cited. I like to research and think outside the box, but in this case, I couldn’t do that.
Daily Archives: October 6, 2024
Currently as I haven’t done finishing the essay, I have left myself thinking too much about each sentence I’ve been writing. Because often times when you do, it takes away the time necessarily needed to build a functionally written essay about what you have written. I encountered problems critiquing the student’s AI-written essay about one thing only and nothing related to the other. One major error I did was that I tried to look back so many times about literary devices. Including are the outlines and such and not finding out what in the heck the student’s sample meant. Such words I intended to use were ‘overwritten, bland, robotic, nonsensical, and overgeneralistic. But as a student, I learn it is not to overexert yourself during the English course when you needed help and advice. For what it’s worth, I should’ve need to efficiently increase their time and resources into both evaluating the student sample according to the directions and the criteria on how he/she performed, and how well I done my assignment from the start, not only to reevaluate my structure, but to encourage my integrity with feedback from the people who wanted me to really succeed in this class. I have not mention that I sometimes worry about time as much as the writing assignment. I should next time only focus on the essay at hand, try to do it earlier next time, and keep doing work more efficiently so that this mistake wouldn’t be made for the next semester.
My first essay experience was challenging, as I made several errors and lacked depth and detail. My approach was too broad and did not align well with the assignment requirements. Balancing multiple classes, each demanding many assignments, has been difficult. I’ve realized that I haven’t devoted enough attention to my writing, which has affected the quality. However, I am confident in my ability to get better. Moving forward, I plan to focus more on ensuring my writing flows smoothly, with correct grammar and punctuation. Additionally, I will improve my citations and ensure they are meaningful to my writing. I will strive for better, As I have always been told “Practice makes Better.”
While I was writing essay 1, I realized that I had procrastinated which led to me to kind of rushing the essay. I also learned that I wasn’t fully prepared when it came to giving examples from the primary and secondary sources which was the story and the overview of that story. I realized that I was so focused on talking about how the student didn’t write her essay in the format of the outline and that they didn’t have a thesis, but instead had a theme, that I wasn’t talking about the two stories and the thesis of what it should’ve been. I was mainly talking about structure and formatting the whole essay and in the body paragrpahs which I could’ve avoided. When I got my feedback, I also realized that my body paragraphs could’ve been more organized and informative so that’s something that will make me change how I approach future writing assignments.