Writing essay #1 was a struggle. I learned that I need to focus on ensuring that the content written is accurate and aligns with the assignment requirements. I can see that I misunderstood some elements such as the correct use of quotes and the central themes in the source material. Then I realized one issue was I used a quote that wasn’t present in the article. Moving forward, I will spend more time cross-referencing my sources to make sure I’m accurately representing the material. This experience will change how I approach my essay when writing by making me more careful with fact-checking and being sure that I understand the core themes before drafting my essay. For example, I will take things slowly by rereading my essay and sources after drafting to verify that all the quotes are used correctly and reflect the author’s point. I’ll also focus on a clear and precise thesis that fully satisfies the essay’s objectives avoiding irrelevant information
3 thoughts on “Week 5 Discussion Alexander Tineo”
Hi Alexander, the way that this paper made me grateful for having multiple monitors to keep cross-referencing. I also fell for the trick of the sample essay using the wrong source which shows that I also need to do more research before starting my essay. This was a good lesson in learning how to slow down, I feel we get lost in assignments and rush to complete another item on our checklist.
Hey Alexander, I felt the exact same way ! This paper definitely gave us a challenge to see what were capable of when it comes to writing an essay and following the layout given to us. As I appreciated the Professors feedback I was still very mad at myself about the mistakes I made, and trust me when I say I dont want you to be as hard on yourself as I am. However, take the feedback and the accountability and utilize that in essay #2. How are you when it comes to constructive criticism? I love it! And I always use it as a guideline to lead me in a better position. You and I both decided to take our time and proof read before submitting. We got this! And the next paper will be a better turn out for both of us!
Alexander—and Nan and Tondi, I didn’t even realize at first that the quotes were not in the Rader article. What clued me was the faulty thesis statement about beauty. I did not think Rader said anything about beauty. His article seemed much more focused on identity. Then I started checking those quotes about beauty. That goes to Alexander’s idea about slowing down and really reading carefully. Again, I know this was a hard essay, but it really does challenge you to read closely and think clearly.