Upon reflection, I did not give myself enough time to write essay 1. I usually make a rough draft and would teak it; sometimes adding new sentences or taking away some sentences. I would continuously read the stories that I am using and make jottings about the quotes. However, For this essay, I did not pay enough attention to the MLA style of inserting quotes and making sure that I introduced them correctly. I strayed from the original instruction of the essay as I lost track of my thesis statement. Most importantly I gave no citation for the student essay. Therefore in the future I will give myself more time to focus on the instructions, and review the videos on how to insert quotations. Maybe even use Chatgpt for ideas on the foundation of a great essay. Overall, I could have done a lot better if I was not rushing to beat the deadline.
Daily Archives: October 1, 2024
Doing Essay #1 I definitely will make sure I check and adjust my essay thoroughly before submission moving forward as well as making sure I read both sources to a tea. Unfortunately, after critiquing the student sample essay when I went to adjust my essay to double spacing I didnt realize that my laptop changed my font from the standard font and my paragraphs werent indented anymore, so while Im speaking on the student essay my essay was also grammatically incorrect. Nevertheless, I was so mad at myself because I felt like making sure the first sentence of your paragraphs are always indented is something you learn in elementary school. I definitely remember my teacher teaching us how indent with our index finger. The Professors feedback made me realize I have to take my time and proof read to make sure everything is to the standard MLA form. I wanted to be transparent with you guys because I took it pretty hard and was mad at myself for making a mistake like that, however I took the accountability and I will give it my all to not do that again.
Writing essay #1 was a struggle. I learned that I need to focus on ensuring that the content written is accurate and aligns with the assignment requirements. I can see that I misunderstood some elements such as the correct use of quotes and the central themes in the source material. Then I realized one issue was I used a quote that wasn’t present in the article. Moving forward, I will spend more time cross-referencing my sources to make sure I’m accurately representing the material. This experience will change how I approach my essay when writing by making me more careful with fact-checking and being sure that I understand the core themes before drafting my essay. For example, I will take things slowly by rereading my essay and sources after drafting to verify that all the quotes are used correctly and reflect the author’s point. I’ll also focus on a clear and precise thesis that fully satisfies the essay’s objectives avoiding irrelevant information
In the first writing exercise for Essay 1, I learned that seeking external sources for help isn’t inherently wrong, but relying on them too heavily can be detrimental. This exercise challenged me to thoroughly read and re-read, alternating between my instructions and the sample student’s instructions, carefully taking it step by step. I knew going in that this would be a complex paper, which pushed me to slow down and focus. Normally, I tend to read something once and proceed based on my initial understanding, but this exercise forced me out of that comfort zone. I found myself repeatedly revisiting the student’s instructions, checking the requirements for primary and secondary quotes, comparing them to what was actually written, and noticing issues like the lack of MLA format. Additionally, the professor used this as an example to show the class how relying on AI for writing can lead to incomplete or flawed work, further emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and attention to detail when completing assignments.