The prewriting assignment in Week 1, Activity 10, is designed to help you begin preparing for your first essay. After completing various activities that involve reading Gabriel García Márquez’s “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World,” exploring related scholarly articles, understanding primary and secondary sources, and learning how to formulate thesis statements and use MLA citations, you are now asked to engage in prewriting. This step involves reviewing the provided directions and analyzing sample essays and directions to understand how to structure your own work. The purpose of this prewriting assignment is to help you organize your thoughts and ideas before drafting your essay. It encourages you to critically engage with the text, the scholarly articles, and the essay-writing techniques you’ve learned, ensuring that your eventual essay is well-informed and thoughtfully constructed. This process serves as a foundation, guiding you in developing a clear thesis and effectively integrating evidence from both primary and secondary sources.
Daily Archives: September 4, 2024
What is your understanding of the prewriting assignment in Week 1 Activity. 10? What do you have to do? What is the purpose of the prewriting assignment? The purpose of a prewriting assignment is to generate ideas to make a strong essay. Prewriting helps brainstorm ideas to be prepared to write an essay. It helps us focus and plan for finding a purpose and an audience for the essay. Reading “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez , breaking down the story is important because it helps us understand the story . Prewriting the story plans how the story is going to take place and the importance of how the story is portrayed. Prewriting the essay summarizes and helps narrow the focus of the topic to be more specific. Breaking down the story helps the writer capture the environment of the story. The author wrote this story to persuade the reader to use their imagination.