The purpose or pre writing is for just reflecting, its like a free write. I brainstorm a draft , get feedback from the professor. I proceed by taking feedback and editing my paper to make better improvement until I feel confident in this final or draft. Another point of pre writing a draft is so your professor sees and take notes on your progress being made of your thoughts and much more. ( grammer, punctuation etc The point of pre writing is to brainstorm. To me this means I don’t follow no sequence I just write everything down that comes to mind. Then, I will organize my thoughts and put my main parts together. This helps me out a lot because sometimes I struggle to write a thesis and putting pieces together helps me create one. This gives me room to move around and create new ideas while pre writing. Something else that’s beneficial out of this is that it saves so much time.
Daily Archives: September 1, 2024
This is a process in which there are many steps. It’s purpose is to help me in writing an essay with the correct structure. Through this prewriting process I be able to gather my thoughts and ideas based on the topic, review again and again and make changes, even adding new ideas and thoughts. During the pre writing process I can focus my thoughts as writing the thesis statement is a very important part of each essay. I have to read “The Handsome Drowned Man by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and also Overview of “The Most Handsome Drowned Man by Dean Rader, these are 2 articles from activity 1 and 3. I will gain understanding by watching the Format Matters video to learn the correct way to format illustrations and studying the MLA format guide.
The purpose of prewriting is to help me understand how to write an essay. This will help me in planning the ideas that I want to write for my future essays. When writing pre-writing, it will help me improve my writing skills by first having a structure of the ideas that I will want to write about in the essay, then going through it again to add more things or change some things to make my writing better. This will also help me know how to write thesis statements and organize my thoughts. In the pre-writing, I can write down questions for my topic and then add answers for it to help me write down some ideas for my essay. I have to read two articles from activity 1 and 3 called “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and “Overview of ‘The Most Handsome Drowned Man’” by Dean Rader. Also I have to read sample student essays from activity 10 to give me some idea on how to write the essay. Using the MLA Citation guide in my essay will help me know how to properly cite my sources.