The prewriting assignment for Week 1 Activity 10 is a crucial step in the process of understanding and analyzing a sample literary essay to gain insights into evaluating a student’s literary work. This prewriting assignment is designed to facilitate and multi-layered approach to evaluating the sample literary essay. To accomplish this, it is essential to follow specific steps, including, reading the assigned liter, including theory works, reviewing comprehensive guides on crafting thesis grating quotations statements, int and proper citation usage, and carefully examining the sample essay. The intention behind following these steps is to gain a deep understanding of the structure, content, and analytical techniques employed in the sample essay. This comprehensive approach aims to equip us with the necessary tools to effectively prepare for writing our essay. The prewriting process serves literary uses as a foundational tool to enhance our comprehension of literary analysis, providing essential guidance for constructing our essay based on the sample and guidelines provided.
3 thoughts on “Zaria Gordon Week #1 Discussion #1”
Zaria, you make some good observations here. There are a few parts I don’t understand though. What do you mean by “assigned liter and theory works?” Please be aware that this student sample is not necessarily something students should model. I’m not sure if that is your impression, but please do keep this in mind. (This goes for everyone).
My apologies. “Liter” refers to literature encompassing assigned literary works and other related materials. “Theory works” refers to academic theories or critical works that provide theoretical frameworks for analyzing literature. These could include scholarly articles, critical essays, or theoretical texts that offer insights into literary analysis and interpretation.
Thanks for the response, Zaria. Be aware that very specific tasks are assigned in Activity 10. Have you mentioned any of the specific guides (e.g. “How to Insert Quotations,” MLA Format guide”). Have you mentioned the name of the story in question or the fact that there is also a literary critique? Your response need specific information related to the materials posted for Activity 10.You don’t have to know about any “academic theories” or “theoretical frameworks” —only about the meaning of the specific article by Dean Rader and its connection to the story by Garcia Marquez.