Week 02

Woman with long braid gazing across landscape of a Spanish town
Printed with Permission of Artist Luisa Rivera

Activity 1

Read “The Handsomest Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, linked here in PDF format.
Handsomest Drowned Man

Activity 2  

Click this link to access information about the life and work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez from the BMCC library database Biography in Context..

Activity 3

Painting of fantastical town with pink house in foreground and buildings and sunflowers in background
Printed with Permission of Artist Luisa Rivera


This link to the BMCC library will lead you to an intriguing piece of literary criticism by literary critic and scholar Dean Rader. It will shed light on the story—and the importance of storytelling.

If you are unable to open this link, be sure that you have access to the BMCC library. In the meantime, I have attached a PDF file of the article.

Pink, purple and orange flowers floating on water

Activity 4

Please review this short PowerPoint presentation on thesis statements. There will be a quiz in Week 3 that includes the identification of good thesis statements.


Hand in blue watery texture
Printed with permission of Artist Luisa Rivera

Activity 5

Click this link to access the Week 2 Discussion Board.

Click here for information about How Discussion Boards Work.
Click here for information about How Discussion Boards Are Graded.