Out of all semester’s readings the one that had the most meaning for me is “how to Read a Poem” this is mainly because it really change the way I see and read poems. I used to thought poems was simple but it showed me poems can be way more complicated than it may seem on the surface level. It also taught me that the way I was reading poems was wrong and showed me how to fix that by giving me tips and a thorough explanation on how to read them the right way. This really expanded my knowledge on poems, and made it easier for me to understand them. Before reading this I didn’t care for poems but now I really like and enjoy reading poems.
The vignette that made the strongest impression on me is “A House of My Own”. The central idea of this vignette is essentially about owning a house living by yourself without having to worry about cleaning up after someone else living there and being in a quiet peaceful clean space with no interruptions. The theme of this vignette is coming of age as for why it resonates with me it’s because one day I want to be able experience the same thing
The vignette that made the strongest impression on me is the Boys & Girls vignette (page 8). The central idea of this vignette is essentially about how boys and girls live in separate worlds the boys in their universe and the girls in their own universe. It’s also about wanting a friend who can truly understand you to the point where you wouldn’t have to explain your jokes and you can tell all your secrets to. The theme of this vignette is Family, Friendship, identity, as for why it resonates with me it’s because she mentions in the story you can’t pick your siblings you just get them and their just your responsibility and as someone with siblings I agree with that wholeheartedly you don’t choose your siblings you just get them and you have to accept them for who they are no matter what because at the end of the day they’re your family
The observation in Bettleheim’s psychologically oriented reading I find insightful and relevant to “Littie Snow White” was “before a child can come to grips with reality, he must have some frame of reference to evaluate it” this is relevant because Snow White didn’t have that frame of reference to evaluate before coming to grips with reality which made her have a lack of sense of danger. This led to snow white continously falling for her stepmother traps.
In “How to Read a Poem” it is said that the act of “completion” begins when you enter the imaginative play of a poem, bringing it to your experience and point of view. The poem i chose is “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks. This poem is about a group of kids forming a identity that they themselves accept and not what society accepts. What completed the poem for me was the line “We jazz June. We Die Soon.” It made me understand the reason for their Defiance, rebellion, the reason they wanted to form a identity true to themselves even if it meant going against societal rules was because they were going to die soon and they rather die with a identity they accept rather than one society accepts.
My ideas about poetry have changed drastically after reading week 11 readings and activities. Before I thought reading poems was very simple but after week 11 readings it showed me how poems can be way more complicated than it may seem on the surface level. Reading “how to read a poem” had the biggest impact on my thoughts regarding poems it made me realize I was one of those readers who made 2 of the 3 false assumptions when addressing an unfamiliar poem which was Assuming that I should understand what I encounter on the first reading and 2. Assuming the poem is a code I should crack and if I can’t do so I’ve missed the point of the poem. It also taught me to read poems out loud which is something I never do when reading poems. All in all this week readings helped me understand poetry way better than I did before and given me alot of useful tips I can use on the poems I read in the future
For my research essay I have chosen to write about “salvation” by Langston Hughes. My thesis is about the conflict the young boy faced throughout the story that led to an internal battle between his expectations, beliefs and his realization of harsh reality. For my secondary source I will be using Langston Hughes biography because in there it mentions the few times Hughes had to experience conflict because of his writings and beliefs which soon clashed with the harsh truth of reality. This resonates with my thesis so I will be putting that to use to help with my research summary. As for the bmcc databases so far I’ve explored JSTOR but haven’t found anything useful yet.
In the poem “the Wife” by Emily Dickson the theme is realization, the wife comes to a realization that to meet her husband requirements she will have to drop the enjoyments of her life and devote herself as a wife “it lay unmentioned, as the sea develops pearl and weed, but only to himself is known the fathoms they abide” this theme relates to the emotional state of Mrs. Mallard in the story “the story of an Hour” by showing her coming to the realization after she found out her husband is dead that she’s finally free and able to live for herself.
In the story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor the interior is about the personalities under the different characters personas what they show on the surface for instance how the grandmother potray that she’s a good person who cares about her children well being and is a good influence while under that she is a narrow minded manipulating racist. The interior also shows how the most evil character (the criminal) is the only one who’s most true to himself and doesn’t need to put on a persona to potray something he’s not.
There are many Timeless human experiences or behaviors you would find In the second half of Odepius The King Sophocles, one of those being facing the death of a loved one everyone have experienced this for centuries and is bound to at some point in their lives and will react differently to it depending on the person. Oedipus reaction was strucking his eyes when he saw his wife/mother after she committed suicide by hanging herself after that he then wanted to isolate himself in the mountains until he dies. Another Timeless human experience is parents mistakes befalling onto their children like how oedipus killed both of his parents and now his children have to live with being inbred and the children of a murderer “1685 your father killed his father and sowed the seed where he had sprung himself and begot you out of the womb that held him these insults you will hear. Then who will marry you? No one, my children; clearly you are doomed 1690 to waste away in barrenness unmarried.”
“580 Amongst men there is no distinct judgement, between the prophetand me—which of us is right. One man may pass another in wisdom but I would never agree 585 with those that find fault with the king till I should see the word proved right beyond doubt.” I choose this passage because it really demonstrates the chorus loyalty to the king even though they realize teiresias has more wisdom than him. It also exhibits how their rationality far exceeds their loyalty which is impressive because you would expect more bias towards a king, however at the same time that strong loyalty for the king makes them slightly indecisive not because he’s simply the king but owing to the fact that they experienced first hand how the king wisdom has saved the city in the past as shown in line 588-590 “For once in visible form the Sphinx came on him and all of us 590 saw his wisdom and in that test he saved the city. So he will not be condemned by my mind”.