Hello Prof Conway, I think the story’s that have had the most meaning to me through this semester is “The lesson by Toni Cade Bambara”, The reason for this is because this has a true meaning towards the situation of all immigrants and some black African American. So in the story is basically about Ms. Moore wants the kid’s to know the reality of the world, she wants to teach them why education is important, How social inequality is a problem to the society because with out the opportunity and money like others have we aren’t able to succeed on life, For example one of the examples is the toy store, Miss Moore takes the kids there because she wants them to see how the rich are able to afford and spend a lot of money, and how in the kid’s situation they aren’t able to spend that or get that money in a week. So this talks about the difference in the rich and the poor. Also in now day’s this important because as everything is increasing in price, this who are poor, suffer because they don’t have enough. For example Food prices are increasing, rent is increasing, So this is why this story had the most meaning to me, not only because it compares the difference between the poor and the rich but because it shows us, not only me but other colleagues why is important to study and try to get the most out of college and achieve our career.
Jose Luis Cuautle Cuenca
Hello everyone, In this week reading, “The house on mango street”, pg 56 and to the end. The vignette that most impressed me was, In Page 90-91, “A smart cookie”. This impressed me because in this vignette it talks about how her mother tells Esperanza, our narrator, her life, in like fairy tale way. Explaining why she, wasn’t able to keep on studying for a better life, education. Also the narrator tells us how her mother is a very talented woman. The narrator mother states, “Shame is a bad thing you know, it keeps you down”. and than her mother tells her if she wants to know why she keep school? and than states, “Because I didn’t have nice clothes. No clothes, but I had brains. Yup she says, disgusted. I was a smart cookie then”. So this is the reason I was impressed and the theme of this vignette is to show how sometimes our parents or other people, Did not have the chance or wasn’t able to do what they wanted for the reason of not having things like others do. Also this Is something important because it’s true and sometimes there people out there in this real world where they are talented people but cannot achieve what they want to be, because of the conditions they live in or not being able to study.
The vignette the most impressed me was, in page 1o through 11, titled “My Name”, this impressed me because in this chapter she talks about her name specifically and she tells us that she does not like her name and wants to be name different. The reason she talks about is because she compares it to how Her name means Hope in English, but in Spanish it can mean many different things, to more of sadness meaning in Spanish. For example she says, It means sadness, it means waiting, It is the Mexcan record my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is shaving, Songs like sobbing. Also in the last lines of the paragraph she states, “I would like to baptize myself under a new name, a name more like the real me, the one nobody sees.” So this shows how she feels towards her own name, she is ashamed of her own name and does not like her name at all. We can also say that she relates her name as , So his shows us that she is ashamed of her Mexican heritage. Since she inherited her great grandmother name.Also because it’s like we can say that, in Mexico culture since you inherited someone of your family, you may be like them when you grow up, and she explain what happened with her great grandmother and explains she was sad since her great grandfather left her, for not marrying him, and how she never forgave him, and she looked out the window her whole life, “The way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow:. The narrator also says, “Esperanza. I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window”. So this Is what the narrator main theme of this vignette, […]
Some Observations, in Bettleheim’s oriented reading of there that I have learn and that are relevant to the reading, are, the way how fairy tales are important and should be more taken seriously or read seriously, because they have important readings or messages. For example in the story, where are you going, where have you been,” the messages that it wants to tell us, or talk about is sometimes people are more worry about the importance of how other view them or judge and how these act or way of been brings negative results. Also in the Snow White fairy tale, the message that the author wants us to observe is the good vs evil, or the bad and danger of one self vanity. These are examples of how some of these fairy tales are actually important, or bring important messages for us to see and learn. Even though parents feel, that these are awkward, or bad readings for the kids or a bad influence for everyone it is really not.
Hello prof Conway, In my opinion of the, story, “where are you going, where have you been” I feel that it’s more of a story of how overtime the girls generations are changing, which is feminist allegory. I think this for the same reason how many many think the woman’s should be this and that and how they belive woman, had no rights. But as we see in the story Arnold I like a guy who Is feminist. We can see he is like the type of person who thinks he can be with this and that girl, with any girl and that are younger than him. He is a psycho. But also we can interpret that, the way connie is, is also how the girls generation is changing. I say this because the way she is, Many girls over the recent years act like connie, the way they think they have to be in the best look and well being for them to find the best man or boy for them, which is not true, because the one who loves you, will care and love you in any way.
In the article, “how to read a poem”, from the poets.org, by Edward Hirsch, The author helps me read poetry by showing us some points and how they are important, He also states some mistakes that readers do when reading a poem. Some mistakes that he pointed out was that, when reading, is that they should understand what they encounter on the first reading. The second thing is that the poem is some kind of code, and that each code has a specific idea and they need to crack this code. One last thing is that the poem can mean anything readers want it to mean. Now the ways he help us to read the poems are by saying that how by reading the title of a poem can give you a hint and idea or imagination of what the poem can be about sometimes. He says this in the paragraph titled, reading a poem aloud. Another thing is he also says his lines are often difficult . but states, This act of competition begins when you enter the imaginative play of a poem. brining t it your experience and the point of view. Another thing is in that paragraph he states that reading poetry progresses overtime and that it takes time and skills. In the paragraph getting started, the author says, reading poetry is a challenge, but like so many other things, it takes practices and your skills and insight. improves as you progress. These are some ways that author teaches us and help us to read poetry.
My ideas have change or broadened about poetry different ways, for example from me not knowing that much about poetry to seen more about poetry and poetry vs prose, and the difference, Also how poems should be written, and what they should have, for example, rhyme, rhythm, repetition, sound, imagery, or form. This are some or ways a poem has to be in poetry. Also from the reading and activities I learn that, poetry has the power to spread out any message or like feeling or ideas, as for how much you love someone, I know this because from the reading of sonnet 43, how do I love thee, by “Elizabeth Barrett Browning, we can see how the narrator expressed her love towards her husband, also she shows that her love is big and will forever be. I am not really that big of a fan towards poetry but I feel it’s something nice and good, also a really good way to show your ideas, emotions, expressions and your message towards the world or someone about you.
Hello everyone, For my thesis statement from “The lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara is how Miss Moore wants the kids Sylvia, Sugar and her friends, to see the reality of the injustice of education and class and money of the poor and the rich. As she wants to teach the kids what is money and how those who are poor live, not in the best condition. Another thing Miss Moore shows, Sylva and her friends about, is how their parents money is spent for rent and they’re expenses, also how money is not divided right in the country. I still have not found a good secondary source but Im most likely to use stories or an article about social and economic inequality and social injustice. I will be checking on Bmcc data to see what can I find more to backup my thesis statement and my essay.
Hello good afternoon, The theme of the Emily Dickinson Poem “The Wife” relate to Mrs, Mallard’s emotional state in “The story of an hour” is by showing the emotional state of how Mrs. Mallard felt sad, but also happy of the newfound freedom, which show’s how before in the older years women’s did not really have freedom. As in the Poem of Emily Dickinson “the wife” the first quote says, She rose to his requirement meaning that she had to focus and mostly obey what he says. from this quote we can see that a women didn’t not have the word, to do what they wanted. Another quote is to take her honorable work of woman and wive, which for me means that she loses her rights her honor, to become her husbands women and wife, also like maid, because she has to dedicate her time, her work her rights for him. This is how I believe that the them of Emily Dickinson Poem “the wife relates to Mrs, Mallard emotional state in “the story of an hour” because of her loss of joy of been free at the end of the story.
In the reading Oedipus the king, Timeless human experience, or behaviors we can find is from oedipus the king he who is brave, We know this because he ruled and serve at Thebes until his last days, he showed bravery. In the article we can read it said, you that live in my ancestral Thebes, behold this, Oedipus, him who knew the famous riddle and was a man most masterful: 1725 not a citizen who did not look with envy on his lot- see him now and see the breakers misfortune swallow him! looked upon the last days always, Count no mortal happy till he has passed the final limit of his life secure from pain. This is refer to him telling us he will ruled till his last days, as a brave ruler not scare of his last days. This is a timeless human behavior because everyone is brave many different ways but we are brave.
Oldipus: What can I see to love? 1525 what greeting can touch my ears with joy? take me away, and haste- to the place out of the way! take me away, my friends, the greatly miserable, the most accursed, whom god too hates above all men on earth! I think this passage meaning or it’s referring to of who or which men can he trust or feel love as a friend, if from all men they an betray you. From what you have or are many of them sometimes envy you for that and want what you have, so that’s what I think he is trying to say. He also say this because of the truth of what happen with the king on that age who slowly betray not just only any friend or men. Doing whatever for what a man what’s, he becomes the worst from everyone. This is what this passage is most saying, as he says, What can I see to love, If he you don’t know who can betray you. Take me away, my friends, the greatly miserable, the most accursed. whom god too hates above all men on earth. referring to, all those bad mean friends, who even god might hate betray you and even though they are your friends.
The story Araby by James Joyce is not a love story as we see in the end. It is more of a life experience story, a story of reality and to talk about how we can be blind from the reality because of simple things or our feelings or expressions, For example he is in love with Magan’s older sister and he is blind from the outside world. Another example is Joyce promises Magan;s older sister that he will buy something for her in Araby, as he sees this as an opportunity to get close to her. At the end he realizes Araby is not the magical place he thought and his eyes burned with anguish and anger. As we can see it more of a life experience where he is blind from the reality because of his love to the girl and he later realizes the truth.
The characters I want us to focus in is Ms. Moore and Sylvia, In “the lesson” by Tony Cade Bambara” e can see Ms. Moore as a very intelligent and educated person, she is first introduce and is compare like a old weird woman, but than as the kids meet her, We get to really know her and she is a well educated person and a person who sees society and others things their true color’s, Sylvia, is a girl who we know as a person who thinks different than the other kids, she Is also smart her way, she looks out for herself and she ha her own skills, We can compare both there experience as a “way of saying what in the world is this, ” or “Is this society crazy” as angry too because they can realize how those who are rich can, or are crazy enough to spend more than 5 dollars and more to buy a toy, In my opinion, they think the same way because Ms. Moore wanted the kids to know how bad is the society and how those just who have money can send money on whatever even if it’s nonsense. Sylvia is angry because she can’t believe or does not like the way those who have money spend money on whatever they want and do not actually see how hard is to get or seen money, like those who do not have as much money as them.
The narrator on “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, the young narrator is different from the way he was at the beginning of the story, by showing the way he believed everything he was told when he was young because as we read the story we can see clearly he is told that those young lamb who’s sinners are able to see Jesus and believe he would go inside you and and forgive them. But after the event he pass through were he didn’t see or felt nothing he felted he was lied and he couldn’t believed it, cryed in the night and he learn that there was no God and that he was lied. He also felt bad on telling his aunt that he had lied on the event because he got up and went to the altar as if he saw and felt god presence which was a lie, he changes from believing everything he was told to not believing and not knowing what to believe or think.
In my mind and my way of thinking, I think you have assigned this as the first story of the course is for us to learn how from other people we can learn more about them or about other things. Also to open our mind of thinking and seeing how others can be different and have different feelings or thoughts but we connect to others or to one another, it may not look important to learn from one another but it is because that way we can grow knowledge and have experience.