“I am stretched on the rack of doubt, and terror and trembling hold my heart, O Delian Healer, and I worship full of fears for what doom you will bring to pass, new or renewed in the revolving years. Speak to me, immortal voice, child of golden Hope” (Grene, 3 182-188). This is passage is from the very beginning of the play. The chorus represents the citizens, the average onlookers, who aren’t playing a major role, just only able to watch. So right now, they are very anxious, stressed, and filled with overwhelming fear because their home is in ruins and there is nothing they can do about it but watch. In this passage, they show their fear through their creative language. The chorus describes how their fear “holds my heart”. This language allows the listener to see how these feelings are taking over their whole being. How they are all consumed in their fear. The chorus is also showing their faith in this verse. Even though they are scared, they still are praying. They refer to Apollo, by calling him the “Delian Healer” and the “child of Golden Hope”. Showing how he is their savior, their end to this suffering, much like the raising sun is to the night.