Week 15

The vignette the most impressed me was, in page 1o through 11, titled “My Name”, this impressed me because in this chapter she talks about her name specifically and she tells us that she does not like her name and wants to be name different. The reason she talks about is because she compares it to how Her name means Hope in English, but in Spanish it can mean many different things, to more of sadness meaning in Spanish. For example she says, It means sadness, it means waiting, It is the Mexcan record my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is shaving, Songs like sobbing. Also in the last lines of the paragraph she states, “I would like to baptize myself under a new name, a name more like the real me, the one nobody sees.” So this shows how she feels towards her own name, she is ashamed of her own name and does not like her name at all. We can also say that she relates her name as , So his shows us that she is ashamed of her Mexican heritage. Since she inherited her great grandmother name.Also because it’s like we can say that, in Mexico culture since you inherited someone of your family, you may be like them when you grow up, and she explain what happened with her great grandmother and explains she was sad since her great grandfather left her, for not marrying him, and how she never forgave him, and she looked out the window her whole life, “The way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow:. The narrator also says, “Esperanza. I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window”.  So this Is what the narrator main theme of this vignette, about how she is ashamed and doesn’t like her name and the Mexican heritage.

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