My ideas have change or broadened about poetry different ways, for example from me not knowing that much about poetry to seen more about poetry and poetry vs prose, and the difference, Also how poems should be written, and what they should have, for example, rhyme, rhythm, repetition, sound, imagery, or form. This are some or ways a poem has to be in poetry. Also from the reading and activities I learn that, poetry has the power to spread out any message or like feeling or ideas, as for how much you love someone, I know this because from the reading of sonnet 43, how do I love thee, by “Elizabeth Barrett Browning, we can see how the narrator expressed her love towards her husband, also she shows that her love is big and will forever be. I am not really that big of a fan towards poetry but I feel it’s something nice and good, also a really good way to show your ideas, emotions, expressions and your message towards the world or someone about you.