Jessica Pemberton, Discussion 5

In the short story “Araby” by James Joyce is about a boy who is overly obsessive over Mangan’s sister. He would hide in the shadows or even go further by laying on the floor in the front pariour watching her door. In the story when Mangan’s sister and him was conversing, he found out that she couldn’t go to the bazaar. He told her that if he goes, he’ll bring her back something. He was blinded by her beauty that he would go beyond lengths just to give her a gift. On Saturday, he reminded his uncle that he was going to the bazaar in the evening only for his uncle to forget and come in the house at nine o’clock. His uncle prolonged in giving him the money buy eating then saying, “the people are in bed and after their first sleep now”. but the boy didn’t want to hear it. he was fixating on buy this crush a gift. when he finally reaches to bazaar, he doesn’t buy anything which made him upset.

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