Victoria Chen Discussion 15

The vignette “My Name” made the strongest impression on me from this week’s reading “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros. The vignette centers around the story of the author’s name and how she was named after her grandmother who Esperanza thinks didn’t have a very happy life and she hopes she doesn’t inherit her sad destiny with the name. I found it interesting that her name means hope in English and sadness in Mexican, which are polar opposites. This vignette resonated because I think growing up kids like playing with idea of trying on different names and wishing their name was something else or at least I know I did. And another reason I related to Esperanza is because my last name always stood out as being the only asian in my class and was a reason of jokes growing up because it sounded unusual to most people so I can understand who that Esperanza wanted to “baptize herself” under a new name.

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