“The House On Mango Street“ is a collection of short stories or vignettes that are quite relatable for many people. The vignette that I relate to the most is page 6 “Hairs” I relate to it because my family and I have completely different kinds of hair as I’m half Cuban and half Puerto Rican, my father and his sister have straight hair while my brother has thick curly hair and I also have curly hair but it’s not as thick. I think this story sort of highlights that even though you can all be from the same family everyone can have completely different traits whether it be hair eye color or whatever, I also relate to it because besides hair I’m one of the only ones in my immediate family that has hazel eyes as the rest of my immediate family has brown eyes, I get this from my grandmother who’s on the Cuban side of the family. This story related to me a lot also because I’ve always felt like an outsider in my family somewhat because I have different hair and eye color but this story helps to highlight that it’s not a bad thing and that it’s quite beautiful to see the diversity in just one family.
2 thoughts on “Steven Falcon Discussion Week 15”
Hey Steven, great discussion post. I liked this vignette a lot too. In my family we all have different hair textures and colors. My mother is from Nicaragua and my Father is American. I always felt very confused about my identity growing up because I am white presenting but half of my roots are latin, I look white but speak spanish and love my Nicaraguan culture. Growing up I always felt too white for my latin friends and too latin for my white friends. I liked this vignette because even though the family all has different types of hair they all come together as one big family.
Hi Steven, I really enjoyed how you resonated with this vignette. Often times when there is one child too different the family might look at them as an outcast which is sad and unnecessary, in my immediate family we are very diverse and different and so many ways. All of us are different skin tones, our hair are different textures and patterns from one another, different eyeshapes and different body builds.