“The house on Mango Street” is a novel created by Sandra Cisneros. This novel contains vignettes which are narrated by the character named Esperanza. Esperanza talked about relocating with her family to Mango street because their pipes broke in their previous apartment and their landlord refused to fix the problem. Esperanza also compares the house they are currently living in with the other houses that she has seen on TV. She also mentions she has to share a bedroom with her siblings, and she has hope of living in a better house. She got to visualize and dream about having her own house and one day she wouldn’t have to move each year. Her parents told her to dream big and gave her that aspect to have her own house. That passage gave me a strong impression because I can also relate to it because I remember me and my family had to relocate a few years ago due to the same situation Esperanza had when she had to relocate. The landlord would not fix anything in our apartment and we got the message that he wanted us out so we moved out to the Bronx. After relocating my mom told me that one day I would get my own place where you would have your own backyard, and be your own landlord. She told me to dream big and never give up on my hopes and dreams.
2 thoughts on “Robert Rojas Discussion 15”
Roberto, this is a great story that echoes the first vignette so strongly. Both stories share details and the theme of holding on to hopes and dreams.
Hi Robert, thank you for sharing your story and experience. This week’s assignment feels very special as we open up about similar experiences and how we all can relate to Esperanza in our own ways. I definitely had a similar experience of moving cities and living in houses where I had to share a room with my siblings and the author’s outlook through the lens of when she was a child resonates with me as well. It’s worth to mention that even through hard situations in life, having your family’s support where you lift each other up makes one overcome the hardships and reach your best potential.