“Our good day” stood out to me because friendship is not always based on how much money somebody has, but how people treat you based on your situation in life. Having a bike as well as good friends, which she did it on her own was part of Esperanza’s desire and not having to share with Nenny why it was a “Good day”. Esperanza like the fact that she has a lot in common as sisters with Rachel and Lucy. Although Cathy said “they smell like brooms” but they were similar to Esperanza than cathy, Esperanza was embarrassed to tell her new friends her name and the fact that they didn’t laugh or make fun of it made a big difference to Esperanza. She rode around the block with her new friends playing and sharing and riding the bike and giving them a geography lesson about the neighborhood. I think that Esperanza was longing for her life and home. Making friends is hard because you sometimes try to avoid the judgement that comes with it.
Daily Archives: November 28, 2022
The vignette on page three, from “The House on Mango Street”, made the strongest impression on me. After I was done reading that page, I automatically wondered if that is how I sound to others when I tell them where I moved from. I always tell them “I was born in Hyattsville, Maryland, and then I loved to Alexandria, Virginia at four years old, and then I moved to Brooklyn, New York at six years old. When I first moved to Brooklyn, New York, we had the second floor, and then our landlord told us to move to the fourth floor, after a couple of years, our landlord told us to move to the third floor, and here we are now.” I find it interesting when people move from place to place, it was really hectic for my family and me but enjoy having our own space, and a different environment. My family and I also used to live with my cousins for a couple of years, our house was jam-packed!