Some observations I made Between both stories is that they both show the innocence of childhood and having to follow this traditional way of being ladylike, it also goes on to show how much materialism is expected in Snow White specifically it shows thy at material things (the Apple in this case) leads her to wickedness similar to the story of Adam and eve. Both stories seem to have somewhat of a religious connotation to it as well which is shown specifically in Snow White with the Apple.
Daily Archives: November 26, 2022
My observation in Bettleheim’s psychologically oriented reading of the story that stroked me as insightful and relevant to “Little Snow White.” was realizing that there is a pattern of people not being able to let things go. In “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Anne Sexton, and “Little Snow White,” even though they’re the same story one is a lot different for children. the step mother wouldn’t let Snow White live, the step mothers jealousy couldn’t let Snow White live. In “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates, the grandmother refused to shut her mouth and let the serial Killers do what they intended to do but instead she had to prolong it because she couldn’t fathom the fact that they would kill her. that goes to say people don’t know how to accept things for how they are. I would like to include my observation from Bettleheim psychologically oriented reading is “all children are jealous, if not of their parents, then of the privileges the parents enjoy as adults.” I do believe all children are jealous of their parents, I feel like it stems from the children not being able to do what they want to do when they want to do it but they watch their parents do any and everything they want and it can me a little upsetting until you get older and/or have kids of your own then those children start to understand life isn’t what is seems.
Reading Bettleheim’s psychologically oriented story and also reading both of the stories “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates, or the poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Anne Sexton have changed my perspective view of fairy tales. Fairy tales are for children, which are meant to bring joy and bring them fantasies with magical and imaginary characters and land. After reading Bettleheim’s stories and being an adult, now I see what message these fairy tales show. Bettleheim basically talks about how fairy-tales help to improve children’s cognitive development. For example Snow White shows how insecurities don’t justify your mean attitude. Also teaches about the dangers of greed and how a young woman goes throughout adulthood, and for the story Where Have You Been it message is for children not to talk to strangers. These are stories and topics I would like to discuss with children and show them how to understand life through fairy tales.
One thing that strikes me as relevant from Bettelheim’s Fear of Fantasy to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs By Anne Sexton’s poem is the nativity and broad imagination of young adults and children. Bettelheim’s in-depth analysis of child psychology goes into the openness of their imagination. How children will accept what you tell them as true and believe in it wholeheartedly. Whereas adults, as they get older, become more jaded and less inclined to believe things. This innocence of the child mind is shown in Snow White. As shown in the poem, when she manages to escape and live with the dwarfs, they tell her to not leave the house and only to trust them. However, when her step-mother tracks her down, she disguises herself on numerous occasions to try to kill Snow White and every time, Snow White falls for her tricks. Just like in Bettelheim’s analysis, Snow White has a very open mind and is accepting of new ideas,
In the poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Anne Sexton, each of the stanzas shows how important it is to be ladylike and follow the rules of chastity. This poem was more centered around being a pure woman and untouched. As well as, being a quiet girl and saying yes to everything. “The virgin is a lovely number” (Sexton). It is good to not have too many sexual partners, and everyone would be more attracted to you and like you more. Rumors won’t is spread around. When she encounters the seven dwarves Sexton specifically says “..walked three times around Snow White, the sleeping virgin” (Sexton). She says this to show how important it is as it was described to her when saying her name. There could have been other characteristics that she could have been addresses with, but she chose virgin, which stood out the most of Snow White.
Something that stood out to me in the analysis by Bruno Bettleheim, when he explained that fairy tales aren’t really about possibilities, they’re more about their desirability. The connection between the 3 readings, “Where are you going, where have you been?” by Joyce Carol, or the poem ” Snow White and the Seven Dwarf’s” By Anne Sexton, is the desirability. After reading the analysis, it became the easiest thing to spot because it was my own desires. One was to watch evil fail and good to prevail. I found myself day dreaming about entering the story to protect snow white too. In the day dreams, I was in full knights uniform ( I like to fit the part) and stood hundreds of feet tall. But in reality, would I have wanted to be there? absolutely not. Would I have been the knight who took down the witch? no, that’s terrifying. However, I loved the idea of being in this world of a family of dwarfs who were wholesome and caring and brave enough to offer Snow White sanctuary from her evil step-mother.