I found the following observation by Bruno Bettelheim interesting and relatable for both “Snow White” and specifically “Where are you going, Where have you been?” by Joyce Carol Oates : “A weak father is as little use to Snow White as he was to Hansel and Gretel. The frequent appearance of such figures in fairy tales suggests that wife-dominated husbands are not exactly new to this world. More to the point, it is such fathers who either create unmanageable difficulties in the child or fail to help him solve them.This is another example of the important messages fairy tales contain for parents.” (207). I think it’s a very relatable issue for Connie’s upbringing and how she practically had no father figure growing up. It was made pretty clear that her father chose to stay out of her life for the most part and just ask mechanical questions. He neither was genuinely interested in his daughter’s life nor was he involved in educating her and sharing his wisdom as a parent. From the story we get a sense that he was just living under the same roof and being a breadwinner, leaving it up to his wife to be the educator. Unfortunately for Connie her mother’s character has a strong resemblance with the Quinn’s narcissistic tendencies, where as a parent she showed a clear preference to Connie’s older sister who was less pretty. Which in itself is very odd as no parent should differentiate the amount of love they have for their children.
One thought on “Victoria Chen Discussion 14”
Hello Victoria,
Thank you for sharing your post with us. It was interesting and well-organized. I do agree with you when you mention that the appearance of such figures in fairy tales suggests that wife-dominated husbands are not exactly new to this world. In both of the stories, the fathers don’t really play the role in children’s lives but it is the female who has the biggest effect on the kids. I also think that no parent should differentiate the amount of love they have for their children because usually if they do intentionally or unintentionally, it creates the huge impact on the kids.