The specific observation in Bettelheim psychologically oriented reading of the story that stroked me as insightful and relevant to “Little Snow White, by Brothers Grimm was, “The readiness with which Snow White repeatedly permits herself to be tempted by the stepmother, despite the warnings of the dwarfs, suggests how close the stepmother’s temptations are to Snow White’s inner desires” I also found this observation insightful to “Where Are you Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates. Snow White desire for the material things set forth to her by the evil queen and wanting to be around people led her to her attempted murder three times. The shiny apple led her to be foolish, although being warned multiple times already that there was nothing good for her in the world. The look of how appetizing the apple looked and the evil stepmother who was disguised, words deceived her. Just like Connie. She loved attention, and unfortunately, she fell prey to evil because of the attention she was receiving from a guy, ignoring the previous warning signs.
Daily Archives: November 22, 2022
Hello prof Conway, In my opinion of the, story, “where are you going, where have you been” I feel that it’s more of a story of how overtime the girls generations are changing, which is feminist allegory. I think this for the same reason how many many think the woman’s should be this and that and how they belive woman, had no rights. But as we see in the story Arnold I like a guy who Is feminist. We can see he is like the type of person who thinks he can be with this and that girl, with any girl and that are younger than him. He is a psycho. But also we can interpret that, the way connie is, is also how the girls generation is changing. I say this because the way she is, Many girls over the recent years act like connie, the way they think they have to be in the best look and well being for them to find the best man or boy for them, which is not true, because the one who loves you, will care and love you in any way.