Although Snow-white is a familiar fairy tale, there was some different parts in it. This read was interesting, Walt Disney’s version was very cute for children, but this version was more for adults. The evil stepmother tries to kill snow-white because she was jealous and vain, the evil stepmother went as far and told the hunter to bring snow-white into the woods and kill her and to return with her heart as proof. She wanted to eat her heart because she wanted the power of immortality. The queen was tricked with a wild animal’s heart instead. When the step mother found out that snow-white was indeed alive she disguised herself as an old woman, a peasant woman to trick and killed snow-white, the poisoned comb and the poisoned apple were what she used to kill her or so she taught, but snow-white had help by the seven dwarf who was her protector. I think snow- white was very kind and trusting why she believed the evil step mother disguised as the old woman.
Daily Archives: November 21, 2022
The short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates is a story composed of a few major problems; lack of love from Connie’s mother, superficial and vainness, and too much trust. Connie only cared about her looks and what was deemed perfect, as the story described that she would look at peoples faces to make sure she was perfect. Her focus on the superficial things in life put her life in danger. Connie trusted Arnold and it was hard not to trust him, he was sweet and swept her off her feet and that was the biggest manipulation tactic he used to trick her and make her vulnerable enough to attack her.