Week 12

In the article, “how to read a poem”,  from the poets.org, by Edward Hirsch, The author helps me read poetry by showing us some points and how they are important, He also states some mistakes that readers do when reading a poem. Some mistakes that he pointed out was that, when reading, is that they should understand what they encounter on the first reading. The second thing is that the poem is some kind of code, and that each code has a specific idea and they need to crack this code. One last thing is that the poem can mean anything readers want it to mean. Now the ways he help us to read the poems are by saying that how by reading the title of a poem can give you a hint and idea or imagination of what the poem can be about sometimes. He says this in the paragraph titled, reading a poem aloud. Another thing is he also says  his lines are often difficult . but states, This act of competition begins when you enter the imaginative play of a poem. brining t it your experience and the point of view. Another thing is in that paragraph he states that reading poetry progresses overtime and that it takes time and skills. In the paragraph getting started, the author says, reading poetry is a challenge, but like so many other things, it takes practices and your skills and insight. improves as you progress. These are some ways that author teaches us and help us to read poetry.

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