Matthew Hui Discussion 10

My research paper will be on “The Most Handsome Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The main points that I am focusing on are the villager’s perspective on life and how they want to change their lives for the better when they see this drowned man wash up in their village. My thesis is “The arrival of this mysterious man displays to the reader that it does not take much to change oneself rather it is a deeper want for them to want to change for the better.” The kind of secondary source information that will support my thesis is physiological studies on how other people may change your mindset and life and also a biography on Gabriel Garcia Marquez to understand the way he thinks. I would get these articles from places like JSTOR and the BMCC library. I would also add other articles where people have similar ideas on how and why Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote this and thinks that it takes a great person to change others.

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