In Oedipus the King, there are many timeless human experiences or behaviors. Aristotle also writes that poetry is a higher form than history, he uses poetry to show all of these timeless human experiences. One of them is death and, everyone knows what death is and that we cannot escape it when it is our time also almost everyone has heard on the news about a tragic murder. In the play, Oedipus had to go through the consequences when he found out that he had killed King Laius. Death has always affected humans, centuries ago and even in the play. Another timeless human experience or behavior is religion, most families have their own beliefs and gods they believe in. The play frequently brings up the “gods” or praying to Zeus to protect a king. They really believed in Zeus so much that the citizens would pray about anyone who wants to cause harm to “important” people, like kings, for example, should be harmed. This is an example of timeless human experiences because many people now still pray to their God, not exactly like in the play, but they pray for good things.
2 thoughts on “Discussion 7 – Mike Calle”
Hey Mike,
I agree, murder and death are both timeless human experiences either from a firsthand experience (loved one or acquaintance) or secondhand from media such as the news. It’s the only constant and guarantee in life. I also agree that Prayer in desperate and scary times such as in the story are also timeless human behavior, turning to something greater (God in most cases) in hopes of salvation from an unpleasant or life-threatening experience is something I believe everyone placed in those situations have done.
i agree what you say its true that we cant escape death because its written which i believe in my religion and no matter what that’s the destiny of your life.