Alex Barrios
Professor Conway
ENG 201 Sec. 0517
October 3, 2022
“I say with those you love best you live in foulest shame unconsciously and do not see where you are n calamity.” – Line 416 TEIRESIAS conversing with OEDIPUS.
This line catches my attention the most because for Teiresias she warned Oedipus that the knowledge she had on her king about what he had done would stir his anger to which she confirmed. The line flows very beautifully and there’s a particular contrast between love and shame along with a bit of irony as she mentions that he “does not see where he is the calamity.” while she herself is blind because she has no eyes. It’s a good example of people who ask for truth often aren’t really prepared to accept it-let alone hear it. So, Oedipus responds by almost in a threatening tone in Line 426, “Do you imagine you can always talk like this and live to laugh at it hereafter”. The two lines for encapsulates the idea that a man can ask and seek guidance and yet choose to remain closed-minded.