Week 6 Discussion

580 but amongst men there is no
distinct judgment, between the prophetand me—which
of us is right.
One man may pass another in wisdom
but I would never agree
585 with those that find fault with the king
till I should see the word
proved right beyond doubt. For once
in visible form the Sphinx
came on him and all of us
590 saw his wisdom and in that test
he saved the city. So he will not be condemned by my

I chose this passage because it shows how they praised the king and I feel like they see him as this great man. You can see that also in the beginning the priest along with the children came to beg him for help. They are suffering and say he is their savior as he saved the city once. The old men said that
“One man may pass another in wisdom”, but they will never defy and doubt the king.
They need to actually see evidence of the faults in the king before condemning him. It is like Innocent until proven guilty. They are united and will stand by the king. I think we can see the old men are very loyal to the king Oedipus. It shows that they are tight knit, and they are supportive of the King Oeidupus. I think that is what is needed to have someone that has your back.

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