Araby is a story about a boy in Ireland who is infatuated with a girl living across the street. When the young girl talks about how badly she wants to attend a particular festival, he sees an opportunity to win her heart by attending the festival himself and bringing her back a gift. However, the boy’s plans are dashed when he arrives at the festival too late and finds that it is already over. The boy is left feeling disillusioned and empty-handed. He has gone through all the effort of traveling to the festival only to be let down, and he feels like he has missed his chance. The theme of the story “Araby” is that a person’s subjective feelings and the objective world are two opposing things. There is no agreement between them. First, we do not understand this disagreement, but later we come to understand that, and we are disillusioned. Even though he had the chance to win her heart, he was never given an opportunity to explain himself. The story ends with the girl walking away from him, never to be seen again. This story shows the importance of communication and how it can change the course of a relationship. The boy in the story never had the chance to tell the girl how he felt about her. If he had been able to communicate his feelings, the outcome of the story might have been different. The boy’s inability to communicate his feelings leads to his disillusionment. This story highlights the importance of being able to communicate effectively.
Daily Archives: September 24, 2022
What is “Araby” really about? “Araby” in my opinion is about a young boy that experienced his childhood playing with friends, becomes drawn to a crush but also matured shortly and becomes self-aware of adult issues surrounding him. The boy is completely infatuated by his friend Mangan’s sister, almost as if he built an obsession over her in a short period of time. As the story unfolds, the boy begins to fantasize about her almost in an unhinged way. He becomes fixated with the idea of going to the Araby Bazaar for an opportunity to buy her a gift to impress her and for her validation. Towards the end the boy starts to reflect on his desires, realizing he was drawn to the idea of admiration and motivated by pure vanity. He deemed to be a people pleaser and which results in feelings of low self-worth. At that moment he held himself accountable for his foolish ways and blossomed into a mature version of himself.
The short story Araby by James Joyce isn’t a love story as it would appear on a surface level it’s more of a story about a child who is infatuated with Mangan’s sister he is obsessive and even goes to the point of wanting to get her something from the Bazar when she hasn’t really shown much interest in him but after his uncle gives him money he goes to the Bazar but realizes it is closed and it disappoints him because he couldn’t get her something when he promised her he would. He also started to realize he had too high of expectations when he was the only one that was showing interest and was infatuated her which causes him to lose hope and be disappointed in the end because his love wasn’t reciprocated and it seems that he was more so obsessed with her than in love with her for who she was as he didn’t really know her well in the grand scheme of things which is why Araby is not a love story.
“Araby” by James is indeed not a love story. Instead, it’s rather more of an obsession story. ” Every morning, I lay on the floor in the front parlor watching her door. The blind was pulled down to within an inch of the sash, so I could not be seen. When she came out on the doorstep, my heart leaped. I ran to the hall, seized my books, and followed her. ” His multiple attempts to impress her lead him to continue being disappointed and discouraged. The night at nine o’clock, the boy asked his uncle for the money he was supposed to give him so that he could buy his crush a gift. By the time the boy got near the store, he had feared Bazaar might be closed, but then he found a way in and recognized silence. A young lady asked him if he wanted to buy anything with a discouraging tone. In the end, he realized a gift wasn’t worth it and that doing so much wouldn’t get him anywhere. Being left with disappointment.
After I started to read “Araby” by James Joyce I realized what you mean in activity one that it’s not a love story. I feel that the mood throughout the story was very down, sad, gloomy, and dull. Well, there was a crush, like, love, young boy love. Whatever its call it’s sadly one-sided. He was you can even say obsessive over her and was very desperate for the sister. You can see a lot of that with his gift. While his, at this point let’s just call it a, crush on her, in the end, seem to kick him into some kind of depression “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity, and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.” (37) “