Discussion 5
“Araby” by James Joyce is not a love story. What is “Araby” really about? This story is about a young boy blinded by lust. The protagonist told his point of view story about is a young kid trying to obtain the love of his friend Mangan’s sister that lives across the street. The young protagonist narrator believes that he’s in love with his friend’s sister. He then heard his Mangan’s sister speak about how badly she wanted to go to a certain bazaar. The young boy thought that was his way to win the girl’s heart by going to that bazaar and getting her a gift. However, when he made his way to the bazaar he ends up going late at night, right when they were already closing. Arriving at the bazaar he then finds himself disenchanted with the reality of bazaar and the real world. He expected the bazaar to be a extraordinary magical place , but it was mostly deserted. He then saw himself helpless in a dark place. As a creature driven and derided by vanity with his eyes burning with anguish and anger.