Professor Conway Week 5 Discussion

I just wanted to jump in here, which I don’t usually do. So many responses come so close to the meaning of this story, and some touch at the heart of it. Observations about the negative effects of obsession are very relevant and well expressed. But then the question becomes: Why is the boy so obsessed? Why does he need this focus in his life? What does the girl represent to him? A closer look at the character of the boy suggests answers to these questions. And by the way, don’t be fooled by his failure to buy the girl a gift. Ask yourself if the girl would have cared about him even if he were able to buy her a little tea set or trinket from the bazaar?  One last request for when you are posting: In the “Category Sticky” box to the right, please do not change anything. Leave that to read “Select a Category.” In the box underneath this, which reads “Categories,” check the box for the current week, and then click the blue “Publish” button. Thank you!

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