Emily Fan Discussion 5

   Araby is a coming of age story where the main character changes his way of thinking by the end of the story because in the beginning all he really had on his mind was the girl that he liked but because of the bazaar he ends up realizing that reality wasn’t all he thought it was. He has a crush on a girl but by the end he grows up in a way when he realizes that his imagination and reality conflict with each other. This is shown when he goes to the bazaar expecting for it to be this amazing place where he’ll find something to give to his love after she mentions that she wants to go but is unable to but when he arrives at the bazaar he ends up finding it to be a somewhat empty and lonely place with rude people. Which was nothing like he thought it would be. At the end he realizes that he wasted his time by going to the bazaar instead of having a fairy tale view of the place.

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