Christian Alvear Discussion 5

“Araby” isn’t a love story but it’s about frustration and disappointment. The young boy had a huge crush on Mangan’s sister and wanted to win her heart by buying something. She brought up the bazaar and he liked the idea just because she mentioned it. As he arrived late, he was immediately disappointed with what he saw with most of the stalls being packed up and ended up buying nothing. This boy is losing himself because of his immaturity, he believes he’s inferior and is blinded by lust which the girl takes advantage of. She sees how obsessive he is with her and she sees the opportunity to obtain gifts from him without any commitment. At the end of the story, the boy feels disappointed with his behavior, firstly realizing Araby is a trade show and not a magical place. Secondly, he’s annoyed with himself for how obsessive he became with his crush and knows that he was just blinded by her, realizing she doesn’t care for him. 

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