Prompt: Considering all the works of literature read during this five-week semester, answer the following three questions. Please choose three different works in your answer. Please be very specific in your answer. Note: You do not have to respond to another student this week. Which work had some meaning to […]
Final Discussion
Which work had some meaning to your own life? Why? I personally relate to Salvation a lot because I have struggled with defining my religious identity. I grew up in a Christian household and attended church every Sunday. For my siblings and many of my friends from church, this was […]
The book that added some meaning into my life was “the handsomest drowned man”. It added meaning to my life because it reminded me how powerful perspective can be and how it can impact not only yourself but others as well. The different way perspective can shift a story is […]
“The Lake Isle of Innisfree” By William Butler Yeat has a soft spot in my heart as it brings memories of my childhood and the fun times I had, along with the memories of just being a kid exploring the park and not worrying about anything at all. The smells […]
1. The Necklace had some meaning to me because I’ve been in that same situation in real ;life. I had borrowed something from a friend and lost it. The only difference with me was I told my friend that I lost it and I paid him the money to replace […]
In this class English 201, I learned a lot from all the stories we read. Some of these left a mark on my heart because it was something I experienced before and changed my thinking. one of these stories that have some meaning in my own life is “What lips […]
Along this longue journey in the literature world during the whole semester, I met so many amazing writings by amazing people. Some were difficult to understand, some were easier to understand. But one of them really highlighted something important my, which is the story of Bluebeard. Because it shows a […]