Which work had some meaning to your own life? Why? The work that made me think about something is the Cathedral by Raymond Carver. Amongst the stories we have read this story was the most relatable, and the most comical of all too. The perspective of the main character, with his […]
Luka Iwaki
I found Bluebeard amongst the other fairy tales we have read in the class to be amusing and interesting. The story follows the three sisters and the youngest sister’s husband, Duke Bluebeard. All the female protagonists in the stories we have read in the class have their curiosity bring them […]
I always had a negative view towards poetry, because I found it dull and boring. Poems usually aren’t straightforwards and you always have to read between the lines so it takes time to digest. At the end of the day, I wasn’t feeling anything nor did it strike me in […]
When Oedipus insulted Teiresias’ appearance after being told and overwhelmed by Oedipus’ inescapable fate, he changed his attitude from a wise and humble king to a ignorant one. The brave king who was loved from the people was no more when his attitude changed in a matter of seconds. Refusing […]
The quote “Literature is painting, architecture, and music.” by Yevgeny Zamyatin describes what literature means to me. A good literature consists of a clear structure that helps the reader imagine the scenes clearly as well as being able to read the story fluently. Taking my favorite novel 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami […]