Which work had some meaning to your own life? Why? I personally relate to Salvation a lot because I have struggled with defining my religious identity. I grew up in a Christian household and attended church every Sunday. For my siblings and many of my friends from church, this was […]
Oluwafemi Olosunde
I found it interesting how, in both of the Brothers Grimm fairytales, there is an almost comical persistence of the characters. Snow White is depicted to be perfect to a fault, and her trusting nature adds to her likability as a character. Though she is consistently wronged by strangers, she […]
I have interpreted praise for poetry as an art form and most arts in general as pretentious drivel for a large portion of my childhood. Only recently have I begun to appreciate the function of art as a vehicle to communicate one’s unique interpretations and outlook on the world. Particularly, […]
Despite being originally written over 2000 years ago, Sophocles speaks to experiences that still ring true today through his tragedy Oedipus the King. Oedipus was brought up as a royal and developed a sense of self-importance. Though he later earned his position as king by saving the people of Thebes […]
“It takes a great deal of history to produce a little literature” In saying this, Henry James highlights a fundamental truth of art. It is informed by life. Every moment within our universe can only exist as a result of the innumerable ones that have preceded it. This is seen […]